I’m running W3TC, but I’ve turned off all minification to try to troubleshoot it. Another plugin, Slidedeck Light, also stopped working in IE but works fine in other browsers. I suspect there is a correlation, but I am at my wits end trying to solve it. Any suggestions would be most welcome. My users miss WP-Slimbox!
I think you’ve got a glitch in your HTML, resulting in IE commenting out a large swath of code.
[code:5g9y0xq2]<!– <script src="http://static.dudamobile.com/DM_redirect.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">DM_redirect("http://m.whatsthatbug.com");</script> –!>[/code:5g9y0xq2]
Change your [code:5g9y0xq2]–!>[/code:5g9y0xq2] to a [code:5g9y0xq2]–>[/code:5g9y0xq2]
I didn’t test it myself, beyond looking at it in an HTML reader, but I think that’ll do the trick.