These guys are great!

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    I’m not sure if this is the proper area to post this, but I wanted to post it someplace people without Premium Support can see it. I wanted to share my experiences with the support here at PixoPoint. I have a basic knowledge of html, css and WordPress although I am by far not a "high end" developer. We recently changed our own company website over to a WordPress blog and paid someone to do it. We have had a ton of people talk about our site and tell us how much they like it. We also had some clients ask us to do their sites in WP. We decided to start taking them ourselves. I have now developed 6 sites for various clients and can say for a fact I could not have done it without the support of PixoPoint’s team! They are unbelievable when it comes to response time and of course knowledge! And they have never talked down to me or made me feel inferior when it comes to coding skills. This is important to me! And I appreciate it very much. These guys are great!


    Wow! Thanks for the recommendation, it is much appreciated <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />

    Here’s some more information about Premium Support for anyone interested:

    [iurl=]Premium Support[/iurl]
    [iurl=]Case Study[/iurl]

    We predominantly provide support for the creation of menus and customisations of our plugin(s), but it can be used to encompass anything related to (X)HTML/CSS/WordPress etc.

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