Theme Integrator & wp_footer

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  • #1844

    Hello friends,

    I am using the Pixopoint Theme Integrator for WordPress to wrap my phpBB3 install with various parts!

    So far, 3 of the chunks are working perfectly, but I am having trouble with the fourth.

    In my footer.php file for the WP theme I am developing I have the following code:

    <?php pixopoint_theme_integrator( ‘start’, ‘4’ ); ?>
    <?php wp_footer(); // js scripts are inserted using this function ?>
    <?php pixopoint_theme_integrator( ‘end’, ‘4’ ); ?>

    My goal is to capture the final outputted Javascripts (various jquery plugins & WP Admin Bar).

    When I look at the source code for any WP page, I see:

    [code:yzx27pe6]<!– PixoPoint theme integrator start chunk #4 and heres the end of the integrator text –>[/code:yzx27pe6]

    But, alas there is no ‘ending chunk’ comment. The ‘chunk4.html’ file is created as well as the other chunks, but this ‘chunk4.html file remains empty.

    I do have the file being called in my phpBB theme ‘overall_footer.html’ template with PHP scripts enabled in the security settings of phpBB.

    For the 4th chunk I am using the code:

    <!– PHP –>
    require( ‘/srv/http/zedmonton/wp-content/uploads/pixopoint-theme-integrator/chunk4.html’ );
    <!– ENDPHP –>

    This is on a localhost, and chunks1-3 are working 100%. But, I cannot understand why the Theme integrator is not grabbing the last bit. It seems like there is something wrong with the ‘end’ call, but I am unsure.

    Any help or suggestions are much appreciated.

    With Grace,


    Ahhh, this is because the theme integrator uses the wp_footer() hook to process the chunks.

    I hadn’t thought of that scenario before. It can’t really be used in this way unfortunately. A solution may be to set the integrator to hook into wp_footer() with a lower priority, but I’m probably not going to be updating the plugin myself any time soon sorry.

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