Sooooo close. Theme Integrator

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  • #1835

    Ryan, I know you don’t do support for this. But, I’m SOOOO close to getting this to work. I’ve been hammering this out for days now. And, I’ve gotten it almost working. I just need one little piece of advice.

    So, maybe you or someone else here could direct me.

    I have the PixoPoint Plugin installed and it appears to be actively working well. I had to mess with my theme a bit and get the wp_footer function in there.

    But, my uploads folder has a nice HTML file that duplicates the WordPress menu nicely. I’m just one step away from having this thing work perfectly.

    I’m trying to embed this into SMF 2.0.2 and I’m guessing it goes into index.template.php somewhere dealing with the template_html_above. But, I’m at a loss.

    Where exactly do I need to put the following code?

    <?php require( ‘/home/content/62/8427762/html/michaelpfaff/wp-content/uploads/pixopoint-theme-integrator/chunk1.html’ ); ?>

    Also, can I just put:

    <?php require( ‘/html/michaelpfaff/wp-content/uploads/pixopoint-theme-integrator/chunk1.html’ ); ?>

    Instead? Or, do I need the "home/content/62/8427762/" etc?

    I’ve attached my index.template and index file if you need to look at it.

    But, I’m guessing this is a super easy add that I just need to put in the right place for it to work.


    Even closer:

    I got it to show up! Woot!

    Here’s how:

    I simply added the red code before the purple code in my index.php.

    [color=red:2dp8vesl]require( ‘/home/content/62/8427762/html/michaelpfaff/wp-content/uploads/pixopoint-theme-integrator/chunk1.html’ );[/color:2dp8vesl]

    [color=purple:2dp8vesl]function template_body_above()
    global $context, $settings, $options, $scripturl, $txt, $modSettings;[/color:2dp8vesl]

    Still having some issues though.

    The site:

    The header in html is black, but when thrown onto the SMF install, it adopts the blueish color from the regular header.

    Is this a CSS style issue i need to fix?


    Sorry for not responding. Clearly I need to clear up my support system as not noticing this for months on end is not acceptable.

    Your styling issues are simply because you haven’t integrated your themes correctly. That is unrelated to the plugin since it doesn’t work out which bits to include where.

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