PixoPoint Menu – ‘Category’ menu item

Forums Forums Menus PixoPoint Menu – ‘Category’ menu item

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  • #1773

    Hello all,

    I have used the settings in the Category item drop down to exclude every category except the only one I have with child categories, and then renamed it to the sole category.  So now the drop down goes something like this:

    Category 1
              -> Category 1
                        -> 8-9 Child Categories

    Is there any way I can get the category menu to only show the child level of a particular category, rather than displaying the category name twice?

    Failing this, does anyone have a chunk of code I can use to make a custom code box display one category and it’s child menus in the drop down?

    Sorry if I haven’t made myself very clear, I’m quite new to this business :/

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