Menus stopped working after WordPress upgrade to 3.2.1

Forums Forums Menus Menus stopped working after WordPress upgrade to 3.2.1

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  • #1784

    So, I upgraded my WordPress site ( and my menus stopped working.

    Wordpress Version: WordPress 3.2.1
    Genesis Theme: Version: 1.7.1 · Released: July 18, 2011
    Child Theme: Landscape Child Theme 1.0

    I have no clue at this point what to do.. I love the PixoPoint menu system but after 3 solid days of troubleshooting I am out of options. If anyone can please help me… I would sincerely appreciate it. (I would even pay at this point…)

    This command goes somewhere… but where? 
    <?php if (function_exists(‘pixopoint_menu’)) {pixopoint_menu(2);} ?>


    This is not the menus board. We no longer provide free support for our menu plugins sorry.

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