How can i remove the home page link in my menu?

Forums Forums Templates and themes How can i remove the home page link in my menu?

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    I used your template generator using basic blue.  Everything is working well and love your generator.  the only thing i need to change is that i [b:2qxgwdoh]do not[/b:2qxgwdoh] want to have a "home" link in my menu.  How do i do this?  the live page is

    Thank you in advance



    Remove "<li<?php if (is_home()) {?> class="current_page_item"<?php } ?>><a href="<?php bloginfo(‘url’); ?>">Home</a></li>" In functions.php:
    [code:u8vdvrfr]function pixopoint_mainmenu() {?>
    <div class="mainmenu1">
    <div class="mainmenu2">
    <div class="mainmenu3">
    <div id="menu_wrapper1">
    <div id="menu1">
    <li<?php if (is_home()) {?> class="current_page_item"<?php } ?>><a href="<?php bloginfo(‘url’); ?>">Home</a></li>
    <?php wp_list_pages(‘title_li=&depth=3’) ?>
    <?php }[/code:u8vdvrfr]

    Alternatively, try the PixoPoint Menu plugin which will give you control over that via the admin panel …


    Thank you very much.



    No problem. Just let me know if you need any more help.

    That template generator is getting a bit old now. I badly need to do a major overhaul of it. Once I’ve gotten the new version of the PixoPoint Menu plugin up and running and a new CSS generator working for it my next task is the template generator. It will build on quite a bit of the underpinnings of the PixoPoint menu plugin so hopefully development of it will be fairly rapid … once I get to it.


    I am using Hybrid-News theme and when I tried to active te PixoPoint menu, I got this:

    Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.


    ~ D

    &quot;Dayna&quot; wrote:
    I am using Hybrid-News theme and when I tried to active te PixoPoint menu

    This is for PixoPoint theme questions. We don’t provide support for Theme Hybrid here. You can ask Menu plugin related questions in the menu forum … … .php?f=4.0

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