Effects not working if comming to gallery using Advanced AJAX Page Load

Forums Forums Slimbox2 plugin Effects not working if comming to gallery using Advanced AJAX Page Load

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    Advanced AJAX Page Loader loads page without reloading all
    If my photo gallery is home page then wp-slimbox2 effect works. if i come then to different page and back to gallery- it doesnt work anymore but opens just jpg in browser.


    I’ll have to look up exactly how Advanced AJAX Page Load works, but it likely has a section where you can tell it to run specific Javascript functions when it loads a page using AJAX, if that’s the case, tell it to run load_slimbox() with each call. That should fix the issue.

    If it doesn’t, let me know and I’ll try and take a look at that plugin to see what needs to be done.


    goto http://saintmedia.lv/wordpress/foto-konkurss/
    then open pic- it opens in slimbox2
    open other section
    open again foto konkurss section
    then open pic. it doesnt open in slimbox2


    You don’t appear to have followed the instructions I gave in my previous post…

    Per the Advanced AJAX Page Load FAQ: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/adv … oader/faq/

    Answer to the second question in the FAQ, place a call to load_slimbox();

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