duplicate home page in navigation bar

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  • #1756

    Hi I am new to PixoPoint. I have a duplicate of the home page on my navigation bar now.
    I am using PixoPoint Version 0.6.20  and WordPress 3.1.3

    Site is at http://www.ducey.ca/KRA/

    Any suggestions greatly appreciated. I have read the forum but find no explanations.

    Also my sub-menus are not clickable. Can someone tell me why or how to make them work. Sub menu is under Discovery Bay Resort.

    Thanks you in advance for your help…


    Hi Kristad,

    Your site looks really nice!  What did you do to fix this bug?  I have just installed the plugin and also have ‘Home’ twice in the menu (though not in Chrome, for some reason).
    Thanks very much!


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