Wrong CSS?

Forums Forums Menus Wrong CSS?

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    Something weird is taking place.  A couple of weeks ago I tried getting your suckerfish submenu plug-in to work on my crimsondynasty.com.  I could not get it to with the theme that I was using so now I am trying to use your Theme Generator but the menu that I created a while back is coming up on the new theme that I just tried creating with your generator.  I will attach what the template should look like and if you go to crimsondynasty.com, you will see the old menu that I created.  I am not sure how this is happening since the new theme – Basic blue shouldn’t have anything to do with the old menu.  Anyway, I have done no changes to the CSS.  I just added the plug-in, uploaded the theme, and now it is displaying the old menu.

    Let me know if you can help, otherwise I am thinking I will just start over again and re-install wordpress.  I took a screenshot of what the template should look like. 



    Hi. Are you wanting to use the CSS from the theme for your menu rather than from the plugin? There is an option in the admin page for the plugin to control that (you can only see it when you using a theme designed for it).

    The CSS being used at the moment is from the plugin and is display as I’d expect it to. You are using two menus and since there is no CSS added to your second menu it is displaying as an unstyled list of links.

    It is possible you don’t have an option in your admin page if you did not set the menus to be dropdowns in the template generator.

    Hopefully that makes sense. If not, let me know and I’ll try to explain better.

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