WP Slimbox 2 plugin not working

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    Hi, I’m not sure when this started, possibly after the recent update. When I click on an image it opens up on a new page rather than the lightbox opening up. I’ve disabled all the other plugins but it made no difference.

    I see it’s the same on the official site which probably uses the same plugin: http://transientmonkey.com/colorado/cheyenne-zoo . This makes me think the problem might not be at my end after all?

    The website I’m working on can be found at:  http://www.mashablewordpress.co.uk/cafe … t-pictures .

    Any suggestions please?


    At first I thought you were having a browser problem, since you mentioned my site, but my site is working just fine. Not sure why you had a problem there, unless you didn’t let it finish loading….

    Your site, however, is having issues. I noticed that only the CSS file was loading on the site, and not the Javascript. At first I thought you were possibly compressing all your JS together into one file, which does cause problems, but it doesn’t look like that’s the case.

    You mentioned testing it with all the other plugins disabled, did you try testing it with a different theme?

    I noticed your theme bombs if you go to a page that can’t be found (404), wouldn’t surprise me if it’s bombing elsewhere, or is simply old.

    This hardly constitutes an extensive test, but since I saw a few other JS files loading, I decided to pull down one of them to see how it was getting it’s JS files to load. I used Simple contact form, and while it is properly using [code:ezjy255h]wp_enqueue_script[/code:ezjy255h]  it doesn’t appear to be hooking them onto the proper action, using [code:ezjy255h]init[/code:ezjy255h]  instead of[code:ezjy255h] wp_print_scripts[/code:ezjy255h].

    I realize that might not mean anything to you, but it’s telling me something else is wrong with your install.


    Thanks for looking into this. Your site is fine, not sure how I had a problem before. I’ve tried with a different theme but I get the same problem. The javascript you’ve pointed out doesn’t make a lot of sense to me, I’ll look to see if there are any obvious errors but they’ll have to be very obvious…

    Thanks for your help, I’ll let you know if I find anything.

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