WordPress Dropdown Menu plugin

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    I’m assuming there’s probably something in your themes style sheet which causing problems with the menu. I’m quite busy at the moment, but if I have time tonight I’ll take a look and see if I can find where the bug is.

    Just to confirm: It did look correct in the generator?


    Interesting! I’m really helped. It’s really smart idea.


    Hi Ryan, just to let you know that I’m using your great dropdown menu on our community site at:


    and if you’d like to put a link up to us it would sure help the traffic!

    I havn’t upgraded to the new version yet – I’m not sure what version I have, downloaded it in Feb this year – any problem with retaining the version I use or is there any security problems?

    I’m a kiwi now living in Aus (from Auckland). Bet you are enjoying living in Dunedin, a great part of the world!

    All the best and thanks for the dropdown menu,
    Andy Turner


    There is no security risk with using the old version, the new just has a whole heap of extra bits. You can just overwrite your existing plugin with the new one though and it should function just the same except you will have a whole bunch more options in the admin panel. Although you would need to transfer the CSS data from the original version over to the new one – it’s entered in via the admin panel.

    You are now the second Kiwi I know of who is using my plugin <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />

    I will add your link to my list of live examples shortly.


    Hey man,

    First of all, fantastic plugin dude! =]
    And secondly, I noticed you’d like to see examples of people using it in a live environment so here’s our blog:




    Thanks! Your link has now been added to the list.


    Version 1.6.2 with bug correction is now available for upload above.


    Hi Ryan,

    Sorry it has taken 2 weeks to get back to you.

    I used the generator for the code as you asked and still having issues. Can you please take a look?



    Have you modified the CSS output from the generator? The following doesn’t look it is from the generator:
    [code:32as5fow]#suckerfishnav li li {
    border-bottom:0px solid #aaa;

    #suckerfishnav li li a {
    padding:4px 10px;

    The two widths should be the same, not different.

    Also, you are styling the menu via the #menu in your style sheet along with some direct styling of ALL unordered lists. If you remove those you may find it behaves better.

    You have the main text colour the same as the background of the menu too, so you won’t be able to see what each menu item is until you have moused over them.



    Just to let you know that I’m using your wordpress plugin on my website at http://www.medicina-muncii.com and I’m thrilled with it.
    Many, many thanks !

    Best regards


    Radu – Thanks. Have added your link to the list of live examples.


    Runs with latest (April, 7 2008) version of WordPress. Well done!


    Thanks Daniel.


    Amazing! yes, yes! wordpress is going to be the biggest CMS. Keep the great work!!!


    Glad you like the plugin <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />

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