WordPress dropdown menu plugin: Sub-categories not off to side

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  • #107

    On one site where I installed this excellent plug-in, sub-categories appear in the main drop-down menu rather than off to the side of their parent category. Other sites where I installed it, they appear off to the side. Is there some setting which affects this?


    Your issues are most likely caused by the theme. If you want specific help, just post a link to the sites in question and I’ll see if there is an easy fix.



    The site in question is http://www.journalofbusinessopinion.com, a new site still under development.


    The “Parentâ€


    I can’t see anything about State Battlegrounds on your site. I do see that you’ve wrapper the [code:2tu3b7av]<?php suckerfish(); ?>[/code:2tu3b7av] in a UL tag which looks like [code:2tu3b7av]<ul id="nav" class="clearfloat">[/code:2tu3b7av]. You should remove that chunk of code. It may cause you some troubles.


    I forgot to add that I like your implementation of the dropdown menu. It is gelled nicely with your site and will be a handy navigation tool for your visitors.

    I like your fancy Javascripted “Lead Articleâ€


    Oops. I sent you to the wrong site. I meant to send you to AmericanCourthouse.com.

    But thanks for the advice.

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