so trying to do the integrator thing, and not having much luck, inherited the wordpress setup and theme, did as instructions say.
Below is how my wordpress page.php file looks – curious if person who setup theme did most the work elsewhere cause this dont look like much in here. Problem im having is the chunk1.html file never is made, and ofcourse when the put the code in the template file for SMF it gives a php error file cause it cant find chunk1.html and the forum is busted, so any suggestions or ideas from anyone? much appreciated, would like to get it setup so the headache of using phpbb is over. Prefer SMF a ton.
<?php pixopoint_theme_integrator( ‘start’, ‘1’ ); ?>
if (have_posts())
while (have_posts())
} else {
<?php pixopoint_theme_integrator( ‘end’, ‘1’ ); ?>[/code:2lywghol]