Where is the second level ?

Forums Forums Menus Where is the second level ?

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  • #1047

    Hi everybody

    I implemented successfully the top level dropdown menu for my archives (years) but (sorry about that) I could not find the way to implement the second level (when I hover on a year item, to unfold the second level menu with months items).
    I know it is possible I have seen such 2 level menus in some example sites, but how ???

    <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” /> Gabier


    That functionality was only added very recently. It is only available in the PixoPoint Menu plugin and can be found in the pulldown box for the Archives menu by selecting "Years and Months".


    Thank you Ryan for helping

    I did not know the latest versions of the plugin wore a different name and was hosted on a different WordPress catalogue "plugin page".

    I have installed it now and I am struggling with the options. I don’t understand really what are "Main menu", "Second menu" and "Inactive menu". It seems I cannot have an "archives" menu in the main one ?

    I think I will progress by trial and error.

    Thank you again. It seems to be a very powerfull plugin

    <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” /> Gabier


    What specifically do you understand? Main menu is for the main menu, if you have a second menu then you would use that and anything you don’t want to use in your menus you would put under inactive menu.

    You can use the archives option in any of the three places. Is something going wrong which is preventing it from working?


    I too am having an issue (albeit a different one) with the ARCHIVES "Years and Months" drop down display on the MAIN menu. 

    For some reason it keeps defaulting to YEARS even when I select "Years and Months" or just "Months".  I make my selection, "update options" and wait for the "settings saved" message.  I check the archives tab and it’s back to the YEARS option.  Suggestions?



    Sounds like a bug. I’ll try to get it fixed in the next release for you.


    Hi Ryan,

    I’m running into the same issue: when I try to set the Archives item to "Years and Months", that selection is never saved and it reverts back to "Years" as the only option.

    I wasn’t able to find any other posts on this forum regarding a fix to this issue, and I didn’t find anything after searching Google on this same issue.  I didn’t see any obvious places within the actual code to change the setting myself, without going through the configuration. 

    If you have any input on what I can do to remedy this, it would be much appreciated.


    Luke Tabor
    Haley & Associates


    Which plugin are you using and what is the URL for the site?


    Temporary site URL: http://server7.fusednetwork.com/~military/%5B/url:7v1mzstl%5D

    Most recent version of WordPress, running Arras Theme
    Pixopoint Menu Plugin Version 0.6.20 (No stylesheet)

    Again, any input you can provide would be enormously appreciated.

    Luke Tabor


    I see that you are using something called the "Clean Archives Reloaded" plugin. Does the same problem occur when you deactivate that?

    You also don’t have any archives appearing at all at the moment which I’m guessing is also related to that plugin.

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