Vertical Menu- hover width in FF and flyout menu colour in IE

Forums Forums Menus Vertical Menu- hover width in FF and flyout menu colour in IE

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    Hi, looking for some help with vertical menu hover width. I was having trouble with the width of my menu bar in IE6. Finally managed to correct this but now have the problem in FF and Safari where the background hover colour extends over the menu by about 20 px.

    Also have the problem in IE where the flyout menu is in white instead of black. I read that this can be fixed by adding shover support. I’m just not sure where the correct place is to add this… and don’t want to mess around too much more. Not sure if my paid membership covers this support….

    Thanks for the great plugin by the way!



    Coromandel? Not too often I get Kiwi’s on here! In case you hadn’t realised, PixoPoint Web Development is based in Dunedin <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />

    Almost all of your problems are caused by lack of a Doctype. You will never be able to get your site working cross-browser without one.


    Hi Ryan, no I didn’t realise you were based in Dunedin, my home town! That’s awesome.
    Thanks for the info. I have added a Doctype (not sure if it’s the correct one though) and will do some more mucking around- learning a lot this way. The guy who helped me create the theme and knows a lot more than me has just had a baby so is a bit unavailable right now.

    If I get really stuck, are you available for paid work in the next week or so and roughly how much would it cost to fix my problems?



    I sent you an email a few days back. I’ll resend it in case it didn’t get through.

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