Upgraded – menu broke

Forums Forums Menus Upgraded – menu broke

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    I just upgraded the menu from 1.0.7 to the latest 2.1.7 version on an upgraded 2.8 WP site. Now a number of my menu items are not showing up. Of the 6 menu items that I had only 3 are showing up and they are giving me 404 errors. The 3 that are displaying are being displayed in a different order that they were before the upgrade. The home menu item is not displaying.

    Before I had Home, About Us, Services, Articles, Resources, and Contact. After the upgrade I have Resources, Services, Contact. The Menu Items are defined the same as they were before: Home, Pages Dropdown, Custom 1, Categories Dropdown, Blogroll Dropdown and Custom 2.

    What do I need to do in order to get the menu functioning again?



    1.0.7 to 2.1.7? That’s a big jump, it hadn’t occurred to me that anyone would try to upgrade that quickly. If you post a link I’ll take a look for you, although I may need to have a poke around in your admin panel if the problem is not obvious.



    Having the exact same issue as 591dave.. Menu was functioning perfect before the upgrade. I just started developing the site so if you want to look in the admin panel I would be glad to give you access. I just downloaded this plugin a week ago.. why would I have gotten version 1.0.7? Thanks for any input.



    I can’t give you a link as the site isn’t live on the new server where I am doing the upgraded. Hopefully mattyro can give you a link to his site and it will be the same problem.

    I just used the automatic upgrade, should I have upgraded a different way? I have backup files, so if you can give me instructions on how to progressively upgrade I could try that.



    Where did you download the plugin from?



    Upgraded to WP 2.8 and menus not working!

    I having been using 2.1.7 and I just upgraded my WordPress to the new 2.8 and my top menus are no longer working.


    karenalma’s post was correct as it fixed the issue. Go to editor then screen options then disable syntax highlighting. You will need to re-install the code.


    karenalma was only referring to the syntax highlighting removing the code from view. I doubt it is actually removing the code itself, that would be rather bizarre. Those syntax highlighters usually just highlight stuff, they don’t modify the code in any way.

    I can’t see how upgrading WordPress could have triggered this problem at all.


    I have setup a fresh install and still no drop-downs. This functioned beautifully before upgrading to 2.8. Any other ideas? Here is a link to the dev site. http://www.babyrhoton.com/ I can send you admin access if you would like. Thanks.


    I had the same problem (error 404) with my wordpress site that I just started last week. This happened even before that I started using the plugin for the Multi-Level Menu.

    At the time I didn’t know what happened and I was trying to find the answer in the wordpress forum: http://wordpress.org/search/error+404?forums=1

    Since I just started my site, I just re-installed wordpress from cPanel and now is working fine. Of course this will delete your whole website but my point is that this seems to be a problem when you upgrade to wordpress 2.8.

    Here’s my site that now is working fine: http://www.reviewsgroup.com/

    Good luck,

    Ed Silva


    Sorry, you are correct.  Just adding the code back in seems to fix it. The upgrade to 2.8 removed the code on every site I upgraded. I re-input the code and they are all working now.




    I have finally figured out how to get the menu items back and the menu working generally. The old names for the Menu Items like Pages Dropdown have to be changed to Pages (single dropdown). But in the old version (1.0.7) I had some links like /services/corporate&sec=corp which would take me to the /services/corporate page and keep the &sec=corp on the link in the URL. That isn’t working anymore, I get a 404 error now. The URL shows that it is going trying to go to the /services/corporate&sec=corp but it is not finding the page.

    Was anything done to the menu code to stop this from working?



    I’m not surprised that upgrading from 1.0.7 to the latest version isn’t going to work. I probably removed the upgrade system at some point as I would have figured no one is likely to be upgrading over such massive range before. I guess I was wrong.

    Upgrading to 2.8 does not remove the code from your theme. As far as I’m aware that is impossible. If the code has been removed from your theme then you have either been using one of the default themes in which case it would have been replaced automatically during the upgrade or something else has gone wrong.


    Hello again,

    I have the menu working on WordPress 2.7.1 with multi-level menu 2.1.7. I had some links like /services/corporate&sec=corp which would take me to the /services/corporate page and keep the &sec=corp on the link in the URL.

    But when I upgraded to WordPress 2.8 this no longer worked. I get a 404 error now. The URL shows that it is going trying to go to the /services/corporate&sec=corp but it is not finding the page.

    I nned to upgrade the site to the latest menu and WordPress version but am scared that doing it is going to break the site.

    Was anything done to the menu code so this will work again?



    The plugin doesn’t do anything with your URL’s, so whatever problem you were experiencing can’t be anything to do with the plugin upgrade. Unless something went catastrophically wrong and some data got corrupted perhaps.

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