Updated to newest version, can’t update settings

Forums Forums Slimbox2 plugin Updated to newest version, can’t update settings

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    I just updated to the newest version of WP-Slimbox2, but I can’t update any of the options in the Settings:WP-Slimbox2 area of my WordPress dashboard. Every time I make a change (in my case, it’s mainly the need to disable the "Caption as URL" due to a drop down menu that accommodates my wallpapers) and then click on the "Update Options" button, it takes me to the main page of my blog and the changes were not saved. I do notice that the URL address of the options page is [i:37ya1rak]home.tink-n-toad.com/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=slimbox2options[/i:37ya1rak] and then after I’ve clicked the "Update Options" the url becomes: [i:37ya1rak]home.tink-n-toad.com[b:37ya1rak]/-/[/b:37ya1rak]wp-admin/options-general.php?page=slimbox2options[/i:37ya1rak]

    The "-" after .com is the actual folder that houses my wordpress blog on my site (and that folder is what’s linked to the "home" subdomain), so I don’t know if my blog being housed in a subfolder is somehow causing problems, or what. Is there a work around or a fix I can do or should I just roll my WP-Slimbox2 back to a previous version?


    I’ll have to think about this one and see what I can figure out. Hopefully I’ll come up with a solution soon, not sure what could have changed to cause that, though.


    Looking over the code, I’m extremely confused as to how anything I changed could do this…
    Has your site always been in the/-/ folder? Are you using any of the translations?

    "malcalevak" wrote:
    Looking over the code, I’m extremely confused as to how anything I changed could do this…
    Has your site always been in the/-/ folder? Are you using any of the translations?

    Yes, it’s always been in the /-/ folder. No, not using any translations


    Ok, still not sure why it’s happening, but try replacing the attached file and seeing if that fixes the issue.


    Yay! That new file worked, I’m able to update/change the settings now <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />

    Thank you so much for the help <img decoding=” title=”Cheesy” />

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