Updated plugin with WordPress automation

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    First updated to 1.6.2 then removed and tried a fresh install of 1.6.2.

    Placed in 
    <?php if (function_exists(‘pixopoint_menu’)) {pixopoint_menu();} ?>

    into the header.php and commented out the original menu system.

    Made sure all my settings were correct, but whenever I went to view the menu, it consistently showed as just a unordered list. It was like it wasn’t pulling in the suckerfish css i had pasted in from the generator found here at the site.

    I have since disabled the menu and gone back to the original.

    Could you help me figure out why it isn’t pulling in the css formatting?


    I’m happy to help. But there is no way I can offer any advice without seeing your site.



    I’ve re-added the line of code and as it shows, it has the ‘formatting’ IDs and classes, but it doesn’t appear to pull the actual CSS that was added into the appearance box.


    There is nothing even in style.php. Which makes no sense as there should at least be a small notice about the plugin at the top.

    Do you see any other problems? Perhaps errors in the admin panel?

    I haven’t seen or heard of this happening before.

    At last resort, perhaps try upgrading to the latest version and see if that helps.


    (Sorry to make a silly suggestion, but something similar happened to me when I uploaded a PHP file as text but with the wrong encoding > server ate it > no output. Solution: triple-check that the file you’re uploading has the correct character encoding and line-endings for your server. Hope it’s as silly as that… Easy to resolve, by using e.g. Notepad++ to convert the file, then save, upload, done.)


    I’ve since upgraded (I’m doing the automatic updating via WordPress) now to version 1.8.0 and it’s still not showing the CSS styling.

    I’m running WP 2.7


    I haven’t noticed any other issues on any of the other pages. I did physically try to access the style.php page from a browser window to have it load, and all I got was the following:

    <!– SHTML Wrapper – 500 Server Error –>

    Nothing else is creating this error.

    I checked around via google, and many peoeple were reporting it was a permissions issue on files/folders. Not sure if this would be the case in this instance. All I do know is that the plugin broke when I upgraded from 1.x something prior to 1.6.2.

    Do you keep a sourceforge list of all the previous versions?
    Perhaps I could go back to an older one to see if the issue is still present.


    Well to circumvent the issue, I’ve temporarily placed the suckerfish CSS into my styles.php of the template I’m using.


    There is a list of versions in the WordPress plugins repository … http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/mul … /download/

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