Two menus with same plugin?

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    I use your drop-down menu plugin on some wordpress sites. Is it possible to have two different drop-down menus on the same site using the plugin?


    Hi Bill,
    The ability to add an extra menu to your site is not a feature built into the plugin, however you can add this feature manually.

    What you need to do, is to change the ID’s of the CSS generated, then create a new unordered list with an ID the same as the new one in the CSS. You can’t use the suckerfish() function from the plugin though, you would need to manually rebuild the menu via PHP to do that.

    I setup multiple menus as a service for our ‘premium members’ …


    The previous version let me do it – I just placed "Pages" at two different
    menu points, and manually added the "exclude" info to the right php file.

    Is there no way to do that this time?


    What exactly are you trying to do? I thought you wanted two different menus which are styled differently.


    I’d like to locate the button for just one of the Pages in a different spot
    on the menu bar than the other pages.

    Like this:

    Home | Page | Page | Page | Category Dropdown | Blogroll Dropdown | Page

    I did it with the previous version of Suckerfish by locating Pages under two
    separate menu item positions – 2 and 5 – and using the "exclude" command to
    exclude one of the pages from menu item position 2 and the other three from
    menu item position 5.

    I thought I could do it on the index.php file of the new multi-level
    navigation plugin, but it isn’t clear to me where to add the exclude code.


    That’s quite simple with the latest versions and does not require any modification of the plugin code. I thought you were trying to do something much more complicated

    Exclude the page via the admin page ‘exclude pages’ option, then add that extra page wherever you want it as a ‘custom code’.


    Thanks. I’m not sure what "custom code" to put in there. Would it be a copy
    of the plugin’s index.php, and then exclude the ones I wanted excluded?


    No, it’s far less complicated than using anything from the index.php file.

    All you need to do is add a list item with a link. Something like the following will do the trick:

    [code:2j8jnvgi]<li><a href="">Google</a></li>[/code:2j8jnvgi]


    Thanks. Works like a charm. Brilliant plug-in. Thanks.

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