trying to figure out categories & other stuff …

Forums Forums Menus trying to figure out categories & other stuff …

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  • #435

    hey ho — love the plugin, just having some problems getting it right, largely because i have no idea what i’m doing.  the site is

    I’ve kind of figured out how to use the custom feature, but how can I get rid the big space under "board people" and add another space under "the board dealers"?

    Also: How can I get the text to align to the left the way it does elsewhere in the sidebar?

    Thanks much!




    Interesting use for the plugin. I haven’t see anyone try to do this before.

    Are you sure you aren’t better off with a flyout menu though? The dropdown is displaying on top of the other menu option when you hover over the one above.

    I [b:1hk3cc2l]think[/b:1hk3cc2l] (haven’t checked) that the following is causing your problems with the text not lining up properly. Try changing the 10px to something less.

    [code:1hk3cc2l]#suckerfishnav li li a {
        padding:4px 10px;[/code:1hk3cc2l]


    yup, the dropdown is not so good but if i put a flyout menu in, won’t i run into problems if i add too many links?  thing’ll fly right off the edge of the screen.  maybe i’ll have to separate the two dropdowns into custom1 and custom2 and hope i never need a third.  or else maybe there’s a way to have one go up (dropup?) and the other dropdown.  ha ha, just kidding, i think.

    meanwhile, i tried changing the 10px to a lesser number, to no effect.  any other ideas, either to lessen the space above or add space below?


    just saw what the vertical menus are — very cool.  but they’re a premium feature, right?  i wonder how much that might cost for my little operation …

    okay, i just figured out some of the spacing issues; i’d misplaced some code.  but … i still can’t figure out how to get rid of the space after the > marks. hmmmm.

    another update:
    okay, brilliant me just put the menus side by side and there’s no overlap.  looks a little ungainly but it works fine, so far.
      but … the damn little > marks are still giving me fits.  Can’t get the text close to ’em, plus they’re not exactly level with the text.  thoughts?  or else maybe you know how i could get rid of them altogether.  they don’t do much for me …


    hey, i’m posting to myself mostly but i might as well update my progress.  i finally got everything worked out to my satisfaction, with the spacings all correct and the menus dropping down in such a way that one doesn’t bother the other.  wish i could have two instances of the plugin running, one for the l sidebar and one for the right, but one will have to do.  very nice.
      i learned a lot setting everything up, so the 12 or 14 hrs was time well spent.  and fun, too.
      thanks again for the plugin.  it’s very nice.


    [quote:rwfk5uso]just saw what the vertical menus are — very cool.  but they’re a premium feature, right?  i wonder how much that might cost for my little operation …[/quote:rwfk5uso]

    Since you are just doing a tiny flyout, just hit the donate button and I’ll set it up as a flyout for whatever amount you put in there.

    [quote:rwfk5uso]wish i could have two instances of the plugin running, one for the l sidebar and one for the right, but one will have to do.  very nice.[/quote:rwfk5uso]

    That is possible, but you need to hard code in the second dropdown. I’m thinking of adding this as an option in a future version of the plugin.

    [quote:rwfk5uso]  but … the damn little > marks are still giving me fits.  Can’t get the text close to ’em, plus they’re not exactly level with the text.  thoughts?  or else maybe you know how i could get rid of them altogether.  they don’t do much fo[/quote:rwfk5uso]

    Perhaps try using text-indent:0 in your CSS or adjusting the paddings (I haven’t tested either of these).


    Thanks for your offer, Ryan.  I’m going to sit tight for the moment, however, and try to figure out what I want before I do my usual thing and just stumble ahead blindly.  I’ll be back …

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