Trying to exclude URL

Forums Forums Menus Trying to exclude URL

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  • #1762
    casual p

    I am trying to exclude the parent url of a dropdown so it doesnt link to a blank page but every time I enter a page number in the IDs of URLs to exclude – I get the following PHP error code??
    Any help much appreciated

    Warning: Missing argument 2 for wp_kses() in /nfs/c05/h04/mnt/82891/domains/ on line 501
    Warning: Wrong parameter count for explode() in /nfs/c05/h04/mnt/82891/domains/ on line 539
    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /nfs/c05/h04/mnt/82891/domains/ on line 541

    Site link is


    @casual, this is failing for me too; however, I’m not receiving any errors. I input a page ID and refresh the page but all the pages are still clickable. I’ve tried only using 1 page ID, multiple IDs with commas, and nothing works. All pages are clickable. I posted a reply, but it’s been awaiting moderation for over a week. Have you had any success?

    Edit: I have 2 site builds I’m using this plugin with and same fail.


    Hey Guys, we are having the same issue as well, trying to make top level buttons unclickable, the same errors happening.


    Just got a response back to my issue on the blog post regarding excluding page URLs. It appears there was an issue with the latest update release. Ryan said he’ll post an update within the next week. There’s also a temporary update zip he posted there. Don’t know if it’ll help you guys or not.
    Just got a response back to my issue on the blog post regarding excluding page URLs. It appears there was an issue with the latest update release. Ryan said he’ll post an update within the next week. There’s also a temporary update zip he posted there. Don’t know if it’ll help you guys or not.


    Thanks for the reports. I’ve been snowed under and haven’t made my way back here to the support forums so missed these sorry.

    Hopefully the fix I’ve made will alleviate the problems you all experienced.

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