Trouble Working

Forums Forums Slimbox2 plugin Trouble Working

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  • #1209


    I’ve been spending my entire day trying to figure out how to make your great plugin work on WP hosted by Yahoo. It just drives me mad.

    Would you have any other comment back about that problem? It just doesn’t work. It is so frustrating!

    Best wishes, I hope you have an answer to that…


    loic, I’ve moved your post to a new topic, since it doesn’t have anything to do with localization or translation.

    Moving on to your question, I’ll need more to go off of to figure out why it’s not working for you, since aside from a small issue with the 1.0 release, the current release, 1.0.1, should be working just fine.

    Can you provide the url to your site, then I could look it over?

    This might sound silly, but after installing it did you make sure you activated the plugin?


    Yes I did activated the plug-in, on and of, on and off, aroung 277 times today…

    I think it is a problem with the templet "monochrome"

    It works with other templates, I just realised that.

    Any idea why? Even if I add manually the rel=’lightbox", it doesn’t work.



    I’m currently stumped on this one, but I’ll see what I can figure out…


    Of course, after I post, I think I figured it out…

    You’re right, I think, it is the theme you’re using. Whomever coded "monochrome" failed to properly load jQuery, as a result jQuery is getting loaded 2x, once by WordPress, and again by "monochrome" creating a conflict, and causing the plugin to fail.

    I think, though I could be mistaken, that if you can resolve that issue, you’ll be good to go.

    I’d recommend talking to the theme creator and having them properly queue their scripts (or if there’s a good reason to use their own, to replace the built in ones).


    right, will ask him then.. and come back to you.

    Thank you for helping. A pitty I cannot change "monochrome" myself.

    Speak to you later.

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