Third level items not lining up

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    Using 1.1.4, the 3rd level kick out drop downs are not lining up with the drop down, please see: Am i doing something wrong? Just trying to help the QA presses if not… Thanks for the work it looks great so far.


    On looking at my demo site, it seems that I haven’t tested it with the next level. I’ll take a look tonight and see if I can sort out a fix for that.


    I’ve added extra dropdowns to the demo site (under Pages) and it seems to be working okay, albeit the flyout menus are out of line by 1px in Firefox.

    If you send me a link to the plugin in action I may be able to sort out a fix for you.


    Ryan – (under Pages)- Thank you while it will soon be at (non profit) <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” /> I am testing and building on I would be very grateful for any ideas on how to fix this…

    Also, if it has not come up, I was looking at your code to see how hard it would be to use a web2.0 style gradient background image on the main menu line(not drop down), could this be added to the options page? has any one else asked this? if it has not come up i might try to play with it and get back to you…



    I can see your problem now, but I haven’t figured out what is causing it. I managed to replicate your menu design on the live demo though so it is possible …


    I’ve added extra dropdowns to the demo site (under Pages) and it seems to be working okay, albeit the flyout menus are out of line by 1px in Firefox.

    If you send me a link to the plugin in action I may be able to sort out a fix for you.


    Thanks for the help, I have confirmed that it is something in my CSS in the , tags, i will post when I trace it down just for your info..

    Thanks Again, this Plug-In is great, and You do rock!


    Addition of web2.0 style gradients is a paid service I provide at the moment. I am considering adding this feature to future versions of the plugin though.

    My new free theme Aqua Vaccinium uses this approach in it’s design.


    On the Gradient question, I will follow up as you mention above by contacting you directly for a quote.

    On the (under pages) not lining up issue, did you have a chance to see the link above and see why the thrid level pages kicked out?



    I can’t replicate your problem. What browser are you having this problem in? When I tested your site in Firefox2.0 it worked fine.


    Hi Ryan,

    On the (under pages) not lining up issue, It seems to be working fine on Firefox 2.x, I seems to only do it on in IE Specs: Xp sp2 with IE 7.0.5730.11. please see:


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