Suckerfish WordPress Plugin is not working with wordpress 2.7.1

Forums Forums Menus Suckerfish WordPress Plugin is not working with wordpress 2.7.1

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  • #645

    Hello, i tried to install the Suckerfish WordPress Plugin on my wordpress 2.7.1 but there was a problem when i tried to activate the plugin "Fatal error: Cannot redeclare show_suckerfish_options() in /home/healthpr/public_html/ on line 135". Please help me <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />


    No idea. That is an old plugin which is no longer supported. I’d guess the last version number it was tested on was 2.5, but I’m not sure. I’d be surprised if it didn’t work with 2.7.1 though, it’s a fairly basic plugin and doesn’t do a lot.

    It has been replaced by the Multi-level Navigation plugin.

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