Split: mouseover problems in IE

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    Great. The only issue with coding everything by hand, is that you can’t just go adding new menu items whenever you want. They would need to be hand coded into place each time. You could move the existing menu items around, but you couldn’t just go adding a new menu item in WordPress and expect it to magically appear in your menu as there would be no graphics created for it.

    So as long as you aren’t requiring new menu items to be generated automatically by WordPress then I’ll just recode your menu and post it here along with the graphics when I’m done. Oh, and I need a copy of the Niobium font too (I’ve emailed you about that).

    Once I’ve created the graphic, you can simply change it in a photo editing program to change the look if you wanted to (I’ll provide a PSD of it) so long as you don’t alter the positioning of the text within the graphic.


    I don’t want to take away the client’s ability to add or remove pages from the navigation. I didn’t realize hardcoding it would do that, but then, by its definition, I guess that makes sense. My fault for misunderstanding.

    Can we still get this working as is, with the FLIR in place, and by just troubleshooting the CSS? Normally, I am a big proponent of cross-browser and cross-platform compatibility, but in this case, I really just need for it to work right in FF and IE7. What do you think?

    I know this isn’t the optimal solution, but if the options are A) have dynamic WP menus using FLIR (slower, but still dynamic), or B) hardcode, no FLIR, and no dynamic WP menus, then I want option A. Or are there other options we haven’t discussed yet?

    Sorry if this is becoming a pain… but then, at least you’re getting paid! <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />

    Btw, the font is attached as a zip file.


    Have you considered using SiFR? http://www.mikeindustries.com/blog/sifr/
    I haven’t tried using that with a menu before, but it should work a lot better than FLIR I think since it doesn’t rely on replacing the text with images. AFAIK it just improves the built in font-rendering of the browser.

    I can hack it as best I can to make it work with FLIR, but it won’t work as well as a menu should. I can ‘probably’ get it working with IE7 and Firefox but it’s bound to have some glitches. It may need an IE7 conditional comment to shunt things into place correctly in IE7.

    &quot;Ben Tupper&quot; wrote:
    Sorry if this is becoming a pain…

    That is why I don’t do this stuff for free <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />


    Hey man,

    Thanks for getting back to me. Yeah I dunno what happened, I tried to post yesterday but I was having some connectivity problems at the firehouse. May have had something to do with it. <img decoding=” title=”Sad” />
    Anyway… yeah the client is liking the way it looks (with the FLIR – using the Niobium font), and he may add or remove pages as he moves forward with the site. Therefore, hard coding isn’t going to work. But really let’s just get it so it works right in IE7 and fixes some of the loose ends in FF and we should be good. Thanks Ryan.

    Can you give me an idea of when you can have the fixes done? And what else can I do to help with this? Let me know what you need.

    Hope you are well.



    Is by Wednesday okay? I’m kinda busy right now but I could bump something else if I have to.


    Wednesday next week? If that’s the best you can do, then I guess it will have to work. Just let me know. Thanks Ryan <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />


    18th February is the exact date I meant.


    I’m having troubles trying to get it to work in IE7.


    The dropdown works fine, but I can’t get the flyout to go directly to the right. Is it okay that it starts at the top rather than beside where it normally would be?


    Sometimes when I got to the mouseover it still disappears. But it’s doing it erratically. Sometimes it works. Weird.

    I think having it drop "up" is not the best solution. But if it’s the best thing you can come up with, I understand. IE is such a nightmare!

    Let me ask you this… if you hard code it instead, will I have the ability to easily edit out pages from the hardcoded menu? I know HTML and CSS. And how will affect things on the WP admin side? Will there be any page control at all it’s hardcoded? Would you just remove the dynamic call from the WP header.php file so the nav doesn’t get dynamically listed and only the hardcoded nav shows up instead? I’d rather not go with the hardcoded nav, but if we your test solution will only allow it to drop up, then I’m willing to do that.

    Thanks for all your hard work on this. I have dream… that one day IE will be fully CSS compliant.


    If the menu were hard coded, the menu items positions could be controlled by the WordPress admin panel. But if new pages were added, then the image which contains the text would need to be modified and a new line of CSS added. The CSS is fairly straightforward to create, just copy and paste and change the position of the image which is used to show the text for it.


    In case it wasn’t clear, I’ve stopped working on this until I hear back from you on what option you want to choose … hard coded, FLIR or whatever other option you may wish to pursue.


    Ignoring the half-done backgrounds which causes the text to glitch on occasion. Is the following what you want? I just want to check before finishing it off in case I’ve got anything wrong.



    After your email response, I’ve left things as they were and simply updated the graphics to suit:

    Here is the final design:

    I’ll tidy up a few things and email through the build files shortly.

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