Split: mouseover problems in IE

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    Can someone please help me with a disappearing sub/sub menu?


    Look in the menu under "vehicle graphics" > "fire departments" then I have 4 links to subpages.

    You can see them in IE7, but any attempt to mouseover them or click them and it just diappears.

    Of course it works fine in FF3.

    Thank you!


    [i:2uk7z4pr]Please post your topics in a suitable topic. I had to split this one off as it had nothing to do with the one you posted in.[/i:2uk7z4pr]

    Nice looking menu though. But we don’t free provide support for custom coded menus.

    If you require further help, please sign up for our premium support … https://geek.hellyer.kiwi/premium_support/


    Where did you split it to? Here? Where was it posted originally? In the normal usage of this plugin (no font replacement) do terciary menus normally work? Thanks.


    Sorry, I can’t remember where you posted it exactly. I found it at the end of another topic about something unrelated to your question.

    And yes, the third level menus will work with this plugin. And assuming your write the CSS on your own, then it can go to an infinite number of levels.



    I’m not trying to be a cheapskate, but can you at least take a look at my link as listed above and let me know if you will be able to help me or not? I don’t want to pay the $50 only to be told it’s a dead end. But I will gladly pay the $50 if you think you can help me fix the issue.

    Thank you in advance!


    Yes, that is definitely fixable. I’ve made quite a few menus like that lately for our premium support members.


    Can you please email me directly? For some reason I am not having any luck registering so I can pay for the Premium Membership. Thank you!


    Sure. Email will arrive shortly.

    What sort of problems are you having registering. It should work fine. This is the first I’ve heard of any problems.


    Email/payment received <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />

    The first problem I can see is that you have four space between the start of your page and the beginning of the Doctype, that is bound to cause problems with IE.

    You also have the same stylesheet loaded twice. That won’t cause any layout problems but I thought I should mention it.

    I’ll be back shortly with some more tips and hopefully solutions to the various problems with your menu. Depending on how difficult the problems are to fix, I may need to rewrite the whole thing. Some times it is easier to start from scratch than to fix something if there are fundamental issues with the way the CSS has been setup. I won’t know more until I’ve had a good look under the hood though.


    You should turn off the built in stylesheet via the plugins admin page (under settings). You have the CSS in your themes stylesheet anyway, so adding it to the plugins built in sheet will just cause the browser to load an empty file.


    Eak, I didn’t realise you were using the FLIR plugin. That is bound to make things impossibly difficult. I’ll do my best to get it working, but if not, is it okay if I code it from scratch?

    The FLIR plugin has an apppallingly bad way of adding the graphical text which may mess up the menu. It looks like you don’t have changes on hovering though which should make things a lot simpler at least.


    As I expected, the FLIR plugin is severly messing up your menu. You don’t just have a problem in IE, you have problems in all browsers.

    At this stage I’ll hold off on doing a total recode until I hear back from you as to whether this is an acceptable solution or not.

    [b:vg8irev1]Advantages to hand coding over using FLIR[/b:vg8irev1]
    There are many advantages to recoding it from scratch. The FLIR plugin creates images on the fly based on what text you have in the menu, but by doing that the load time is hammered quite severely.

    When javascript is turned off, the menu will not look the same, this is particularly problematic with mobile browsers.

    The method of text replacement the plugin uses is to replace each chunk of text with a new image in an IMG tag, this means that a new http request needs to be sent for EVERY chunk of text and each of those images will be fairly large in comparison to their size if compiled into a single graphic. When hand coding the menu the images will be held in a single file, so when you load the page only one image needs to load which will lead to far faster page load times. You also don’t need to load the clunky jQuery javascript framework.


    And to answer your question (via email) about Safari Mac OSX support … I don’t think I can get the FLIR plugin working for it, but the hand coded method would definitely work in Safari on MacOSX, plus other WebKit based browsers including Chrome, Konquerer and Safari on XP and Vista.


    One more thing … if you must use the FLIR plugin then I can’t guarantee that it will work cross browser very well. I can do my best, but I can’t promise anything. If you absolutely must use the FLIR plugin and are unhappy with me not being able to get it working cross browser I’ll give you a refund ASAP. I said I could get your menu working in IE, but at the time I had assumed you had hand coded everything yourself but simply made a few errors, I had no idea the graphics were produced by FLIR.


    Hi Ryan, thanks for all the follow up information. Good stuff. You bring up some good points regarding the FLIR. Let me give you a bit more context as to why I’m using the FLIR plugin.

    I started working recently with a developer who can convert my Photoshop designs into really nice WordPress layouts. He recommended the FLIR plugin. I check it out and thought it was great. What I didn’t realize was that it’s not really intended for menu replacement, only simple things like HTML headings. When he saw my design, he recommended we NOT use the FLIR, but by the time I sent him the design, my client had already seen and approved it, so we just had to try and make it work.

    So that’s where we are at to this point. My developer and I now have an agreement, no FLIR when I need dropdown menus, and I’m going to run my designs by him before I take them to the clients from here forward so we can troubleshoot any possible technical functionality issues like this beforehand.

    So what do you recommend now? I need the navigation to use the Niobium font (which is what you see on there now), but I don’t HAVE to use the FLIR plugin to accomplish this. If you have another way to do this, scratch coding the whole thing, whatever. I just need it to work <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />

    I have also invited my developer to join this thread and comment if he sees anything he can do to help out here with implementing your proposed solutions.

    Thanks Ryan – looking forward to your next comments!

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