Sorry… Language changes?

Forums Forums Menus Sorry… Language changes?

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  • #358

    sorry i forgot to ask where i can change the language settings… for example from english "categories" to german "kategorien"
    sorry again



    sorry but i cant find an andvanced option link… where is it located exactly?

    another question is:
    when i choose the menu item "pages" it displays all pages at once, but if i want for example "categories" between the pages i dont know what to do…



    There are no language options per se. It isn’t necessary as you can change the labels via the admin page. If you click on the ‘Advanced Options’ link near the bottom of the admin page and you will find an option to change the various menu item names there.


    hi ryan,
    i cant reply to your answer in my last post, but here is my replay in an extra post, sorry:

    sorry but i cant find an andvanced option link… where is it located exactly?

    another question is:
    when i choose the menu item "pages" it displays all pages at once, but if i want for example "categories" between the pages i dont know what to do…



    Below where you entered the menu options in, there is a link saying "Click here to show advanced options »" with a heading saying "Advanced" above it. Click the link and it will display a lot more options.

    There is no way to display categories within your pages list without using the custom code option.


    sorry eithe i am stupid or blind <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” /> i have the option panel for suckerfish, there i have 6 menu content fields the keyboard option etc… but where is the advanced options link ????
    sorry for being so dumb <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />

    well bei i could change the code option into german right ?


    I don’t know how to explain it any better than that. There is a big link at the bottom of the screen labelled "Click here to show advanced options »".

    If you have found the menu content fields etc. then it should be right in front of you.

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