sIFR with Multi-Level-Navigation

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  • #1405

    Thanks for this great plug-in! saves me a lot of work!

    I am trying to include sIFR 3 in this navigation, but I have a problem.
    When I declare sIFR to be used for
    [code:akkzk9ko]ul#dropmenu a[/code:akkzk9ko]
    (page-item-5 is a nav item with a dropdown)
    All the links in the dropdown get hidden by sFIR!

    [b:akkzk9ko]I FOUND A FIX![/b:akkzk9ko]
    The problem was that sIFR adds a
    [code:akkzk9ko].sIFR-active ul#dropmenu a { visibility:hidden; }[/code:akkzk9ko]
    And this will make all a links below the first a hidden!

    To fix this just add:
    [code:akkzk9ko].sIFR-active ul#dropmenu li ul li a { visibility:visible; }[/code:akkzk9ko]
    To the bottom of your CSS file, this makes all li items below another li item visible again.

    So now you can use sIFR for the main nav items and still use the Multi-level Navigation Plugin!


    Awesome. Thanks!

    I’ve seen that problem before, but I don’t know much about sIFR so just put that down to being an unfixable bug in the way it worked.


    I installed the Pixopoint Menu on my wordpress site It works fine ,except that the menus don’t dropdown. I mean when all the pages are displayed at the top, the child pages do not get shown when the mouse hovers over it. Why?

    "Daniel" wrote:
    I installed the Pixopoint Menu on my wordpress site It works fine ,except that the menus don’t dropdown. I mean when all the pages are displayed at the top, the child pages do not get shown when the mouse hovers over it. Why?

    I’m confused. Does this have anything to do with sIFR?

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