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    There was another topic on this, here – … ic.php?t=1 , but it didn’t really explain it fully enough for me. And the board software asked if I really wanted to reply to that topic since it was 120 days or older  <img decoding=” title=”Grin” />

    I have the pixopoint menu plugin on my wordpress site and love it. I have a phpbb forum and would like the same header from the wordpress to be displayed on the forum. That other topic mentioned calling the header, but I just get an output error because there are a lot of wordpress specific calls in the header.php file. And the html version doesn’t specify where you pull the html code from. It’s certainly not in the header.php file. I did look in some of the files in the pixopoint plugin directory but didn’t see anything.

    Thanks in advance


    You can’t run the plugin inside phpBB without loading the core of WordPress inside the forum. That’s quite an inefficient way of doing things and I wouldn’t recommend it anyway, plus I don’t have a clue how to do it in phpBB.

    The simplest way, is to simply grab the HTML from the page and dump it into your phpBB template. That’s what I’m doing here in this SMF forum (the one you are in right now).

    A more complex system, and one which I’m considering building for my own purposes some time, is to create a system which caches the HTML output from the plugin somewhere and then getting my forum to grab that file and insert it into the template dynamically. This way, when you make changes to the menu in the plugin, they’re automatically displayed in the forum. At the moment, if I make changes in the plugin, I need to go into the template files for  the forum and modify them manually which is a pain in the neck. If I build it, I’ll probably write a blog post about it here at I wouldn’t hold your breathe on this being done any time soon though unless one of our [iurl=]Premium Support members[/iurl] requests it.

    The CSS is easy to deal with, just grab the <link> tag which contains the CSS call and stick that between the <head> tags in your phpBB theme. The same can be done with the javascript files too. Just copy the HTML off of your WordPress page and insert it into the theme and it should just start working automatically.

    I used to use another system on a forum I ran, which used an http request back to a file containing a call to wp-load.php which loads the pixopoint_menu() function which I then called and was hence able to display in the forum. This was utterly stupid though and you shouldn’t do it. The problem is that, just like loading WordPress inside the forum, you are effectively doubling the amount of processing that is required. And since I was doing it via http it had to wait for the data to be sent down the pipes rather than just loading it straight off the server so it made quite a dent in the page load time.


    I just checked out that old forum topic you found. I wouldn’t recommend trying that as it is what I meant by "loading WordPress inside your forum".

    Back then I didn’t realise how much of a performance hit you take by doing that. That was bad advice by me :p

    I’ll edit that topic and point people to this one so no one else tries to follow it.


    Interesting to see that I was even recommending using that approach to load the header and footer in.

    You could that, but to reduce the server load you would need to build a slightly more convoluted system to make sure that everything was cached. I’m surprised no one has published a convenient way to do it as I’m sure there are quite a few people who would be keen to have their WordPress blog header and footer used to power their phpBB forum (or any other software for that matter).

    If I get time, I might write up a blog post explaining how to do this at some point. It might take a while as it would be fairly complex, and I’d need to build a working system to show that it actually works … this forum right here might be what I test it on.


    Thanks that worked. I didn’t think to try to pull the code by looking at the source after the page was loaded. I was looking at the individual template pages like header.php. Works great!

    And thanks for a great menu!

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