show menu in PHPbb forum

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    love the menu, have it customized quite well for my wordpress and works perfect. The question is how can i go about placing the menu in my phpbb forum. Should be fairly simple if i was given a starting point. I don’t want any of Phpbb links or anything in my menu just my menu identical to the way it is shown in wordpress. Thanks

    oh for reference, and then my forum is, the menu is similar but not exact and i am wanting exactly the look of my wordpress, for more consistency.



    [b:3e77i9va]EDIT: This post gives bad advice. Read the following topic for much better suggestions ….[/b:3e77i9va]

    There are two ways you can do this.

    [b:3e77i9va]First method:[/b:3e77i9va]
    You can call the wp-blog-header.php file from WordPress into your phpBB theme. I’m not sure how to do this (I haven’t used phpBB3 before), but I’m assuming it will be fairly straightforward.

    [code:3e77i9va]<?php require(‘../../../wp-blog-header.php’); ?>[/code:3e77i9va]

    Once that file is run, all of the WordPress functions can be accessed from within your forum. Then you can just call the suckerfish() function the same way you do in your WordPress site.

    You could also use this technique to display your entire header, footer and sidebars in your forum. Any changes to your WordPress design would automatically be shown in your forum as well.

    [b:3e77i9va]Second method:[/b:3e77i9va]
    Just copy the HTML from your WordPress blog from <ul id="suckerfishnav"> to </ul> and paste it into your phpBB theme, then add the CSS for the menu to your phpBB theme and add a link to the suckerfish_ie.js script to trigger the dropdown in <IE6.

    The first method is more convenient in some ways, but does have the unfortunate side effect of loading [b:3e77i9va]all[/b:3e77i9va] of the WordPress functions will slow your forum down a little bit and put more strain on your server. The second method is slightly less elegant, but is probably easier if it doesn’t matter if the menu doesn’t change dynamically as you add pages, posts etc. to WordPress.

    A third method would be to create a script which calls the wp-blog-header.php script, then outputs an HTML file containing the menu’s HTML occasionally. Then you could include that file seperately into both your WordPress and phpBB themes. Since the script creates a cached version of the menu there would be no slowdown in the creation of the pages. You could extend this to caching parts of the header and footer too if you wanted.


    excellent advice, works perfect now, used the html way and pasted my CSS info into my CSS for phpBB, works like a champ, thanks again


    Good to hear you got it working <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />

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