sfhover error in IE7

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    Hello again Ryan <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />
    I wanted to mention that both version 1.6.2 stable and 1.9.1 beta appear to give the “Sfhover is undefined errorâ€


    Thanks for that. I think that bug is caused by me hacking at one of the Javascripts to make it work in IE7. I’ll take a look at some stage and fix it. Hopefully this weekend, although my schedule is very busy until Wednesday.

    Joe Banks – I’ll post back a reply tonight (probably).


    Hi Ryan,

    I got a strange error from Firebug (Firefox) tonight that read

    zfalse is not defined
    (no name)()superfish_style.p… (line 12)
    trigger(Object type=mouseover target=a currentTarget=li.page_item)jquery-1.2.3.min…. (line 27)
    unique()jquery-1.2.3.min…. (line 26)
    [Break on this error] $(â€


    Thanks Nicole. I’ve had a few people point that out. It doesn’t seem to have any effect on how the dropdown renders so I hadn’t bothered fixing it. But I will have a look at it now that so many people (three so far I think) have pointed it out.


    This bug is now fixed as of Version 2.2.5 of the beta plugin. It was caused by the keyboard access javascript file trying to call sfhover, but it couldn’t as the script which specified sfhover was not being displayed to IE7.


    When will Version 2.2.5 of the beta be available for download?


    Hi Chris,
    It will never be available. It has been replaced with multi-level navigation plugin instead.

    Unfortunately I broke the plugin last night, and I didn’t realise until a few minutes ago. I can’t fix it for another four hours though <img decoding=” title=”Sad” />


    Thanks. <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” /> I’ll watch for it.

    FWIW, I’m using it at  http://chris.pirillo.com/ and http://lockergnome.com/


    New version should be available now.

    &quot;Chris Pirillo&quot; wrote:

    I don’t get it. I can’t find any hover menus on those pages.


    Look at the top of the browser window – the menu is there, under Subscribe.

    That, and… the latest version did not fix the IE7 bug for me. <img decoding=” title=”Sad” />

    &quot;Chris Pirillo&quot; wrote:
    Look at the top of the browser window – the menu is there, under Subscribe.

    I still don’t get it. All I see is a plain list style menu and it isn’t using any of my code.


    Was the issue, "’Sfhover is undefined error’ in IE7" ever resolved?


    I’m gonna speculate based on a problem I discovered while messing around with the latest beta Ryan released and say it’s because the suckerfish_ie.js file is being called after suckerfish_keyboard.js (which utilizes the Sfhover class). If you don’t have keyboard navigation enabled…then I’m way off here.
    Unfortunately, I don’t know which version of the plugin you were looking at, so if you don’t know how to modify the php to place this in front of the other JS, I can’t really help you.

    On the plus side, assuming the many tweaks and modifications I’ve done to the latest beta work in Ryan’s tests, he might release a new version or beta that doesn’t have the issue.

    That said…I should pass along my code to him…


    Thanks maclalevak <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />

    The sfHover error should not be appearing in the latest stable version of the plugin. If it is, then there is a bug somewhere.


    Ryan or other helpful expert,

    I’m looking for a WEBSITE example of the tabbing-via-keyboard accessibility working for IE7 and Firefox? (one that uses suckerfish_keyboard.js)

    Could you please point a website out at your convenience?



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