Setting home as first link

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    Hello Ryan,

    I am using version 1.6.1 of your plugin and have a small problem that I hope you can assist me with. I also apologize if this has been answered before but searched and did not see it.

    I currently have a specific page titled ‘Home’ which is set to be my main front page. I am having trouble figuring out how to set up the menu so that ‘Home’ appears as the first link and though its a bit confusing I’ll try to explain.

    When I go into your plugin options and set menu item #1 to pages it does include the ‘Home’ page in the list of page links but since it lists pages alphabetically it lists the ‘Home’ page second after the page named ‘FAQ’ (for example FAQ | Home | Services ). If I set it up so menu item #1 to ‘Home’ and menu item #2 to pages then I get two listings of the ‘Home’ page link (for example ( Home | FAQ | Home | Services ). What I am trying to set up is just so I can get: Home | Page link | Page link | Etc. Thank you in advance for any help and of course for the awesome plugin!


    Thanks, that is a bug I hadn’t heard about before.

    I’ll fix that in a future release. In the mean time, replace [code:12n0wqv0]<?php suckerfish(); ?>[/code:12n0wqv0] with the following code:

    [code:12n0wqv0]<?php echo ‘
    <ul id="suckerfishnav">
    <li><a href="“>Home</a></li>
    ‘ , wp_list_pages(’title_li=&exclude=5‘) , ‘

    The will need to be changed to whatever your Home URL is and the number of 5 will need to change to whatever the WordPress ID number of your home page is.


    I had a sudden thought! All you need to do is to not use the home page option at all, and just manipulate the order of the pages via WordPress’s built in page order tool.

    If you edit a page, the page order tool is on the right handside, near the bottom.


    Thank you so much Ryan for the quick replies. I will try your suggestion(s) and see if I can get it to work. I will also check out the new beta you released, its very exciting!

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