Second menu options question..

Forums Forums Menus Second menu options question..

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    Hi, i have a bit of a problem with the multi-level menu plugin..

    So I have my main menu and a second menu and I want to add some pages to them. But I want to exclude some pages from the main menu but not from the second menu and vica versa. Basically what I’m asking for is a new functionality added (or maybe there’s already). As there is exclude/include for the main menu pages I want to be able to exclude/include only certain pages to my second menu so both menus show different pages. I think I can do that with the custom html functionality but it’s not really the best way to do it. I think it would be cool and easier to do it with the plugin. Or may be it can already do it I just don’t know how? Please help..



    That isn’t currently possible sorry. There have been a lot of requests for it lately so I’ll look into including it in the future.

    Unfortunately I’m flat out trying to iron out the bugs in the [iurl=]PixoPoint Menu plugin[/iurl] right now so all new developments are being left till I have that properly up and running.


    Ok, I’ll be looking forward to it! Thanks for the answer!:)


    Thanks. It’s now added to the list <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />

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