(secnd) Drop Down menu position problem

Forums Forums Templates and themes (secnd) Drop Down menu position problem

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    Hello all (all?)! 

    Small summary: After a break due to the calendar I resume construction of my first WordPress.  Finding no skin to my taste I adapts a "modicus up and I insert a pixopoint menu.

    Clarification: I am noob! In your answers thank you for being as clear as possible!
    (what remedy, where the exact placement, etc., thank you in advance!)

    To do this I used the "pixopoint" generator (revolution generated model) and I extract the parties involved to "stylesheet", the "php function" and "php header" that I inserted into my theme.

    I encounter two problems:

    1) a serious and urgent that I can not solve:
    With Firefox everything went well but in IE (of course) there is a serious problem in the top drop down menu top (pink)
    The first list appears correctly (bands / musicians / etc) BUT the "daugther"  one (with the names of groups etc) is off to the right … Could hence the click.
    My "noob-instinct" tells me that the problem comes from the style sheet but I have learned to distrust this "instinct". And above all: I can not find the source of the problem ….

    2) a small problem circumvented in a barbaric way, but I would like corrected properly:
    It concerns the positioning of the menu and the background image (the logo / small "black angel") in the header.
    Currently I use the code "<br/>" (in red) in the header php "to position the menu and allow the black angel appears.
    Because when I position the menu via CSS logo / background image header "black angel" disappears!

    Thank you in advance!
    Sincerely yours.

    You can see the stylesheet here:
    http://underagroove.be/net/wp-content/t … /style.css


    as soon as my financial will be better I’ll subscribe to premium,
    for now I’m trying to do some promo to get that cash,
    the site I’m working on is done on this purpose…
    Thanks for understanding.


    Your problems all seem to stem from your themes CSS:

    This code in particular is resetting the font sizes, which messes up the EM distance across the entire theme:
    [code:1m8dems8]font: 62.5%/200% Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;[/code:1m8dems8]

    The template generator measures distances in EM’s so that when the text is resized the menu resizes to compensate. Your theme needs to be coded to compensate for that.


    Hi Ryan!

    Hope you and yours are fine,
    thank you very much for your answer.

    May I ask if there is a simple way to correct this via the CSS?

    Or when you write "your theme need to be coded" do you mean whole WP/cms must be rewrite?

    Thanks again,
    have nice times.


    sorry missed a part of your answer,
    will do some more test knowing that code line and will post to let you know if solved.
    Best regards.


    Apologies. I have no idea what planet I was on with my above posts. What I said has nothing to do with your problem. The horizontal distances are specified in px’s, it’s only the vertical distances which are EM’s but since this is a horizontal distance then the problem must be caused by something else. I’ll look into it and see if I can find a CORRECT answer for you.


    Hi Ryan,

    Thanks again!
    Forgot to mention that the CSS I use for the menu is the one gave by your generator BUT gone true CSS validator after (as it had lots of "error" and lots of people told me that is was the origin of my problem(s).
    Indeed it was for some but this is maybe why it make iE7 (and onlt IE7) go mad about the menu position…

    Best regards.


    Hi Ryan!

    Someone found a solution to my first problem : the scnd drp menu position with some code line specially for IE7:

    <!–[if lte IE 7]>
    <style type="text/css">
    #menu1 ul li ul li {position:relative;top:0;left:0;}
    #menu1 ul li ul li ul {position:absolute;}
    #menu1 ul li ul li ul li {position:relative;top:0;left:-60px;}

    But still couldn’t solve the problem number two: how to position correctly the menu in header(not with <br/> like now…

    Thanks in advance,
    best regards.


    Sorry for the delay in replying.

    I’m not entirely sure what your second problem is. If the other blocks in the header are being shifted around when you try to move the position of the menu via CSS, then something is wrong with the code. You should be able to do it trouble free if you position it into place with absolute positioning. Something like the following should work (adjust the [u:2wqpqn00]200px[/u:2wqpqn00] to suit):
    [code:2wqpqn00]#menu_wrapper1 {


    Hi Ryan,

    Seems it’s me who -indeed- messed around with code:)
    had just to move some </div> to fix that space pb…

    Thanks for your answers and time!
    Best regards!

    (and I will prolly be back soon as still lota web work to do;)

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