Restrict Number of Child Posts Displayed in Category Dropdowns?

Forums Forums Menus Restrict Number of Child Posts Displayed in Category Dropdowns?

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    I’m using Pixopoint Menu Plugin 0.6.20 on WordPress 2.9.2 and I was wondering if there was a way to restrict the number of child posts shown in Categories when they’re displayed on the menu bar.  By default it lists all of the posts in said category, but with hundreds of posts this is clunky and slow.  I’d like to limit it to the 3 latest posts in each category and was wondering where I should look to do this.  Thanks.


    It should limit it to 10 by default.

    Do you have a demonstration of this problem occurring?


    Yes, you can check it out here:

    (The Wii category is the best example of the problem)


    I only did minimal colour-editing and placement changes to the CSS.  Is there a specific function I can fiddle with somewhere to try and fix this?  Thanks.


    That is very odd. Could you try installing the new beta plugin to see if that helps?

    Hopefully this is just an obscure bug I’ve fixed without realising, if not, I’ll look into it more closely to try and figure out what is triggering this bug for you.


    Upgraded to the new plugin and all it did was mess up my custom style-ness, the entire-category dropdowns remained unchanged.


    "MrMiyamoto" wrote:
    Upgraded to the new plugin and all it did was mess up my custom style-ness

    Do you mean that it altered your CSS in some way? If so, what exactly did it do?


    Darn, now I see what the problem is.

    I was confusing the post limit which is built into the Recent Posts menu item, not the categories one. Sorry about that.


    I’ve created a new version for you which has support for controlling the number of child posts:

    Zip download: …

    Beta plugin page:

    Hopefully that does the trick. If there are any problems, please let me know.


    I cannot ascertain if the new option works for me because I am now experiencing the same problem I have had with the other 0.8.x betas, being that when dragging around which menu options to display in the admin panel, the changes are not saved when I hit "Update Options".  Therefore, the second menu bar (which I normally have disabled) is being drawn under my main bar and I cannot enable "display child posts" as the options won’t save.

    I checked around and it seems like it was an incompatibility with the Secure WordPress plugin preventing me from saving my options.  Attempting to enable child posts with a limit of "5" ended up disabling all of the options somehow and the admin panel looks like this now:


    Thanks for all of the hard work and great support!


    So, I tried uninstalling, re-installing and retrying everything.  It seems that if you had nothing in the second menubar in 0.6.x and then try to edit it in 0.8.x, then it bugs out and removes all menubar items.  I lost my options before because I was dragging things inbetween the first/second menubars.

    "MrMiyamoto" wrote:
    It seems that if you had nothing in the second menubar in 0.6.x and then try to edit it in 0.8.x, then it bugs out and removes all menubar items.  I lost my options before because I was dragging things inbetween the first/second menubars.

    AWESOME!!!! Thank you very much!!!

    I knew there was something buggy going on, but I couldn’t for the life of me pinpoint what was causing it as I kept receiving bug reports from people, but they would never provide enough details to help me track down what was causing the problem.


    I can see two bugs here.

    One is that the CSS is not automatically ported over correctly. The plugin does not load the CSS correctly until the plugins admin page is submitted. I’m not sure what the problem is there, but I have a few ideas on where to look to fix it so I should be able to figure out a solution for that fairly quickly.

    The other is that when the second menu isn’t used, the plugin somehow behaves partly as though there is a second menu and partly as though there isn’t. That’s really odd, but I’m pretty sure I know where that bug has crept in too.

    I’ll see what I can do to iron those bugs out ASAP.

    "MrMiyamoto" wrote:
    … if you had nothing in the second menubar in 0.6.x and then try to edit it in 0.8.x, then it bugs out and removes all menubar items.

    I can’t replicate that behaviour <img decoding=” title=”Sad” />


    Correction: The CSS does transfer over, the problem I was seeing was caused by the upgrade script not running if the plugin was upgraded directly. However, viewing any page in the WP admin panel will trigger the upgrader and the upgrade script which transfers everything over seems to be working fine with the CSS.

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