[RESOLVED] v1.7.4: Images and Scripts folders not packaged in latest release

Forums Forums Menus [RESOLVED] v1.7.4: Images and Scripts folders not packaged in latest release

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    <i><b>Added later: this is resolved in the new release, v1.7.5 – just upgrade or download the new plugin version and it’s all good again.</b> (Removed attachment – unnecessary now)</i>

    Sorry to be the bearer of silly news… It looks like SVN pulled another stunt: the two Scripts and Images directories weren’t packaged in the v1.7.4 release of the Multi-level Navigation Plugin. :-(

    For Multi-level Navigation Plugin users of "standard" CSS for the menus, who after upgrading now unexpectedly miss the menu backgrounds and/or find that extra jQuery (extended) options don’t work, it’s no biggie to resolve: if you upgraded, just reupload the two folders. I hope I’m not overstepping my bounds here, <s>but I’ve included a .zip file to this post with the two skipped directories – unzip, and</s> plop the two directories <b>inside</b> the plugin folder, so you end up with something like this:


    Done. :-)

    Silly that SVN doesn’t have a better method to avoid these little sneaky mishaps of not including files that haven’t changed…


    I’d actually fixed this before your post was even made!

    I have no idea what I’m doing wrong with SVN, but it is something drastic. I thought I’d finally figured out how it worked, and then bam! It totally fouled up again <img decoding=” title=”Sad” /> Annoyingly I couldn’t even delete the existing errors.

    Hopefully I’ll eventually figure out what I’m doing so severely wrong, but in the mean time I’ll just have to pay more attention to what is uploaded.

    I had checked the trunk file, which worked fine. But for whatever, the specific 1.7.4 folder did not upload the images and scripts folders and wouldn’t allow me to when I tried to correct it <img decoding=” title=”Sad” />

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