regain info from post in premium forum (sorry wrong forum section)

Forums Forums Templates and themes regain info from post in premium forum (sorry wrong forum section)

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    first, apologies this is on the wrong section on the forum but there is no generic or forum help section.

    I registered from premium support and got some fantastic help with a style/theme for the drop down menu’s on wordpress (thank you it worked like a charm).

    Wordpress has just done an auto update of pixopoint plugin for wordpress (great nice to know it’s getting updated) but for some reason it’s actually dumped my css that I had for the drop down menu and returned to default. Now that my access to the premium support forum has expired (over 30 days ago now) I can no longer view the post to regain the css.

    Is there any chance I can re-gain read only access to the forum to get the css back ?


    No problem. I’ll give you access again.

    I can’t see any way in which the plugin could wipe the menu on an upgrade though.


    It’s now activated again through until February 15th.


    Just wanted to revive this thread (I understand the premium support service is currently unavailable so it seemed best to note it here)

    I’ve just upgraded pixopoint again, using the wordpress auto update method and the custom theme I had is now gone. I have a backup of the old pixopoint directory (as this has happened 2 times now I wanted to take a backup) but not sure how to put the theme back without starting learning about this plugin all over again.

    1.) why is the auto update removing these themes upon upgrade ?
    2.) what do I need to restore to restore the theme but not undo some of the updates/fixes/enchancments of the new version


    [s:260wrrwc]I'm not sure what you mean by "upgraded PixoPoint" sorry. I assume this is a reference to a plugin, so I would need to know which one you are referring to before I could help.

    Upgrading WordPress or WordPress plugins will not remove themes.[/s:260wrrwc]

    This made more sense after I read the earlier posts.

    Upgrades of any of my menu plugins will not cause the CSS to be wiped. I’m not sure what’s causing that, but I don’t think it is the plugin upgrade.

    Is it possible that you had hacked the core plugin files and dumped CSS inside of the plugin itself? That would certainly explain why this happened, but you shouldn’t be adding CSS into the plugin files anyway. Any changes made to plugin files will be wiped on upgrading. To add CSS you would need to add it to your theme, child theme, a custom plugin, anything which is not going to be wiped in future.

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