Redoable 1.2 theme integration

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    Having trouble getting multilevel menus to work with Redoable 1.2 theme.

    Dev site: <a href=""></a&gt;

    CSS: Customized CSS from Pixopoint generator, included in Appearance tab of plugin (not in theme’s style.css). See CSS attached.

    Browser: Different outcomes with IE7 and FF3.x but both problematic …
    FF: When I insert the <pre><?php if (function_exists(‘pixopoint_menu’)) {pixopoint_menu();} ?></pre> code in the header.php file (replacing the "wp_list_pages" code) I get no menu at all. If I don’t replace "wp_list_pages", I get a redundant menu and the multilevel menu does not display properly (truncated by the native WP menu).

    IE: I can leave out the "wp_list_pages" code and it works pretty well, however the titles of submenus (subpages) are not correctly contained within their submenu boxes (example: managers & coaches > roles & responsibilities (the latter bleeds into next submenu item, "rosters").

    I figure the CSS issues with IE are surmountable, but am stumped on the Firefox side of the ledger.

    Can you help?

    Thanks much!


    You need to remove the UL tags from around the menu. Those were in place in your theme because the wp_list_pages() function does not add them around the outside, however the plugin does.

    That doesn’t seem to be your main problem though. The entire menu is appearing behind the content. I’m not sure what is causing that though.

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