Problems with 1.1

Forums Forums Slimbox2 plugin Problems with 1.1

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  • #9454

    Downgraded to the last version and now everything seems to be working. Not totally sure, but the most recent version seems to be broken.


    Yes, I’m aware of this problem, though I’m not sure what’s causing it (it works perfectly fine in every instance I can personally test). I’m merging this topic with a similar topic to keep them all together.
    If you’re willing to help me track down what’s causing the issue, I’d appreciate it.


    I may have finally come up with a working fix.
    I’d still like to know the results of the above suggested tests, but I strongly suspect if you replace the two attached files with your install of 1.1 it will work. If it does, I’m going to be pissed, since I actually stumbled on the issue ages ago, and then forgot about it (and don’t really know why it’s an issue). Then I can get a quick fix out, and try and figure out why it’s a problem, and maybe clean it up again later.
    Let me know if this works.


    Cutting to the chase, your last fix works.

    As for figuring out what happened: . . .

    Revisiting replies #24-26.

    1. After installing 1.1 and entering options manually, the page source shows the following:
    [code:35jzqte5]<script type=’text/javascript’>/*  */
    var slimbox2_options = {"autoload":"","overlayColor":null,"loop":"","overlayOpacity":null,"overlayFadeDuration":null,"resizeDuration":null,"resizeEasing":null,"initialWidth":null,"initialHeight":null,"imageFadeDuration":null,"captionAnimationDuration":null,"caption":"’ ‘ || ‘ ‘ || ‘ ‘ || ‘ ‘ || el.href","url":"","selector":null,"counterText":null,"closeKeys":null,"previousKeys":null,"nextKeys":null,"prev":"","next":"","close":"","picasaweb":"","flickr":"","mobile":""};
    /*  */</script>[/code:35jzqte5]

    2. After replacing index.php, adding admin.js to the javascript folder and entering options manually.

    – site page source shows [b:35jzqte5]identical [/b:35jzqte5]to the above.
    – however running &debug from the slimbox2 options page generates the following:

    Array ( [autoload] => on [overlayOpacity] => 0.8 [overlayColor] => #000000 [overlayFadeDuration] => 400 [resizeDuration] => 400 [resizeEasing] => swing [initialWidth] => 250 [initialHeight] => 250 [imageFadeDuration] => 400 [captionAnimationDuration] => 400 [caption] => Array ( [0] => a-title [1] => img-alt [2] => img-title [3] => href ) [selector] => div.entry-content,, div.entry,, div#page, body [counterText] => Image {x} of {y} [closeKeys] => 27,88,67 [previousKeys] => 37,80 [nextKeys] => 39,78 )

    – at this point the options still show blank or disabled fields, and slimbox2 is broken on the site.

    It looks as though the settings are being stored, even though the options page doesn’t acknowledge that.  And they are not being loaded on the front-end site page.

    Substituting the files from your last reply — index.php and adminpage.php — appears to fix the problem.  There’s no need to manually re-enter settings again.  The options page immediately picks up the last entries and Slimbox2 appears to be suddenly functional on the page.  The WordPress plugins page reports the version number as 1.1.

    I’m curious as to how "1.1" code on our site might differ from installations on other sites, and whether the problem is likely to return with future updates.  But for now, it’s all good.

    Many thanks for the work you’ve put into moving things along to this point.  Hope this feedback helps in finding a resolution that sticks.


    Well, I’m glad to find out that works. I’ll have to throw together a quick 1.1.1 fix to resolve the issue for now.
    I dunno if this’ll make sense to anyone, but all I really know is that it’s tied to the fact that when the plugin wasn’t working, I basically loaded the options array once, and then referenced it with global from within each function.
    Thinking about it now, though, it still is only being called once, it’s just called in a different location depending on if you’re on the admin page versus on the regular page.
    Can’t publish the fix until this evening, but hopefully this will resolve the issue for everyone else too!

    &quot;malcalevak&quot; wrote:
    Ok, still waiting to hear back from 3MM,
    &quot;malcalevak&quot; wrote:
    I’ve gone and merged your topic with that one, though you don’t specifically reference what happens in your case, just that switching themes seemed to resolve it.

    Could you mention which themes it seems to work o
    Attachments and other options and which ones it didn’t (of the ones you already tried)?

    When you look at the options page, does it not load properly depending on the theme, or is just the functioning of the plugin at fault?

    My apologies, couldn’t find the post when I returned and thought it had been deleted – that and the fact there were much more informed people on the thread than me – wasn’t sure I could offer much help to finding a fix.


    Here is an example with V1.1 – – images open separately.

    Here is an example with V1.0.3.4 – – images work as lightbox

    In both instances the plugin is as default with the exception the caption is not hyperlinked. Both have the same theme.

    Options page works fine on both

    Any help appreciated and happy to try out changes if they might help find a fix for others too.


    Thanks for chiming in, 3MM, sorry about the confusion with the post merging.
    I’m gonna see if I can glean more information about why exactly the error occurred, but I believe the fix I posted about 4 posts up will resolve the issue for you.

    I should be officially pushing out v1.1.1, incorporating the fix, within the next hour or so.

    Thanks again for your assistance in trying to resolve the issue.


    Ok, version 1.1.1 is out, primarily just resolving this issue. I plan on likely releasing another small handful of tweaks later on, but this should resolve everything for you. If not, let me know!


    Wanted to let you check out the offending article before I tried your fix but can confirm that just substituting the index file got it working for me.

    Also just gave your V1.1.1 a go and that seems to work great too.

    Thank you so much for taking the time eventhough you’ve been busy to follow up on this.

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