Problems with 1.1

Forums Forums Slimbox2 plugin Problems with 1.1

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  • #1834

    This update (1.1) wiped out all options and would not save new ones, in effect disabling the plugin. Rolling back to an earlier version fixes the problem.


    It’s working just fine for me, but I’m wondering if I screwed up the checks for older plugin settings during migration.
    I’ll try and take a look at it tonight.


    I forgot to ask, could you provide what version of WP you’re running? I’m assuming the latest, but if you can confirm/correct that, it’d help.

    Also, if you recall, do you know what the first version of the plugin was that you used?


    Wordpress 3.3.1.  Sorry, don’t remember the original Slimbox2 version number.  If it helps, this site uses Slimbox2 as a key plugin and installed it shortly after going online about 18 months ago. Current version is


    Ran into this same issue. Upgraded both WP to 3.3.1 and Slimbox 2 to 1.1. Now the page is throwing a JS error: "slimbox2_options.closeKeys is null", and the image link doesn’t open a lightbox, just links to the image. Trying to track down the version upgraded from…


    Found it…upgraded from version Does that provide any clues? (new version is 1.1)


    Thanks lheintzman — rolling back to did the trick. Looked like some options were saved and some were not (and not editable), so just completely deleted the plugin and reinstalled and that did the trick (had to re-enter a few settings manually, but no big deal).

    As a side note, the error I was receiving also took out my Mailchimp plugin. Rolling back fixed that issue.

    – holling


    To make sure I’m understanding you correctly, you installed 1.1, but it was broken and wouldn’t save the settings. You rolled back to, and it was working again?
    Then you uninstalled/deleted the plugin and reinstalled it?
    Am I correct in assuming you mean you uninstalled and then installed 1.1?

    I think the problem is tied to how I’ve modified the setting storage variable, I’m just not sure why I didn’t encounter it. I’ve unfortunately been busy lately, but I’m gonna try and look at it quick before I go to bed tonight.


    Well, my first guess was wrong. I can upgrade from a clean install of v1.0.3.3 to version 1.1 and retain my settings just fine.
    I’m gonna keeping working on tracking this down. In the mean time…any chance someone could tell me the settings they had set when it wasn’t working?


    Just to clarify the sequence of events:

    1. Slimbox2 (unknown version) originally installed Jul-Aug, 2010.
    2. Since then, there may have been additional upgrades,eventually taking us to — everything has worked well, without incident.
    3. Installed the latest version (1.1) via WP’s upgrade routine. The plugin immediately stopped working.
    4. Deleted the Slimbox2 folder (1.1) via FTP and installed the last working version ( via WP’s backend install routine. The plugin came back to life, although a couple settings were no longer where they had been.
    5. Adjusted the options manually and everything returned to normal.

    — Ah ha. Maybe the problem is related to the options. Let’s try again.–

    6. Deleted the Slimbox2 folder ( via FTP. Installed v1.1 via WP. Again the plugin stopped working.
    7. Checked the options page. Every field was blank.
    8. Manually entered the options. The page would not save. Hitting "update options" refreshed the page, but every field returned to blank. Once again, the plugin had stopped working and all related images would only display in WP’s native format without the lightbox.
    9. Repeated steps 4 and 5. Again we’re back in business with a perfectly functioning

    Current settings:

    Autoload: check
    Overlay opacity: 0.8
    Overlay color: #000000
    Oerlay Fade Duration: 400
    Resize Duration: 400
    Resize Easing: swing
    Initial Width: 250
    Initial Height: 250
    Image Fade Duration: 400
    Caption Animation Duration: 400
    Image Caption Source Order (left column): a-title,img-title
    Image Caption Source Order (right column): img-alt, href
    Autoload Selector: default ("div.entry-content,, div.entry,, div#page, body")
    Counter Text: default ("Image {x} of {y}")
    Navigation Keys: all set to default values

    Does any of this help? This is a live site, so opportunities for the trial-and-error disabling of plugins are limited, but I’m happy to provide any additional info that might lead to a resolution.


    A couple additional observations:

    This site uses WP-SuperCache and WP-minify.

    Admin pages are not cached, but deleting the cache had no effect on the back end, and no effect on the the front end, whether or not a user was logged in. Similarly, clearing the browser cache and refreshing front-end pages had no effect.

    Minifying Slimbox2 JavaScript appears to break the plugin, so it’s been excluded from the minify process since day-one.  In any event, deactivating WP-minify also had no effect.


    I’m curious what you minified, since all the JS and CSS are already minified (that’s why I include a src folder, where they aren’t minified), but from what you say, I take it the plugin is doing it.

    Do you know how to access your DBs directly (typically using phpmyadmin, but there are other ways)? If you can, I’d like you to search the options table (default is wp_options, but you can change the prefix) and tell me what comes up when you search for slimbox (If using phpmyadmin change the show to maybe 500 rows, starting from record 0, so you can see them all at once, and just do ctrl-f to search).
    It’ll show up as an active_plugins value, but I don’t need to know that. You should also get a wp_slimbox row with a value something like [code:3hxqj8my]a:24:{s:8:"autoload";N;s:4:"loop";N;s:14:"overlayOpacity";s:3:"0.8";s:12:"overlayColor";s:7:"#e538b7";s:19:"overlayFadeDuration";s:3:"400";s:14:"resizeDuration";s:3:"400";s:12:"resizeEasing";s:10:"easeInSine";s:12:"initialWidth";s:3:"250";s:13:"initialHeight";s:3:"250";s:17:"imageFadeDuration";s:3:"400";s:24:"captionAnimationDuration";s:3:"400";s:7:"caption";a:4:{i:0;s:7:"a-title";i:1;s:7:"img-alt";i:2;s:9:"img-title";i:3;s:4:"href";}s:3:"url";s:2:"on";s:8:"selector";s:67:"div.entry-content,, div.entry,, div#page, body";s:11:"counterText";s:16:"Image {x} of {y}";s:9:"closeKeys";s:8:"27,88,67";s:12:"previousKeys";s:5:"37,80";s:8:"nextKeys";s:5:"39,78";s:9:"picasaweb";N;s:6:"flickr";N;s:11:"maintenance";N;s:6:"mobile";N;s:5:"cache";s:10:"1329193205";s:10:"lang_track";s:5:"false";}[/code:3hxqj8my]
    I’m mainly curious if you see it anywhere else.

    I would think a possible fix (not ideal) would be to deactivate the plugin, and then delete it, but delete it from within the WP control panel. I believe that will clear out any previous settings. Then install v1.1 and configure fresh. Of course, if it doesn’t…I’ll still be guessing.

    This’d be so much easier if I could recreate the scenario!


    Hi malcalevak,

    Searching the wp_options table returns the following value:

    a:23:{s:8:"autoload";s:2:"on";s:14:"overlayOpacity";s:3:"0.8";s:12:"overlayColor";s:7:"#000000";s:19:"overlayFadeDuration";s:3:"400";s:14:"resizeDuration";s:3:"400";s:12:"resizeEasing";s:5:"swing";s:12:"initialWidth";s:3:"250";s:13:"initialHeight";s:3:"250";s:17:"imageFadeDuration";s:3:"400";s:24:"captionAnimationDuration";s:3:"400";s:7:"caption";a:4:{i:0;s:7:"a-title";i:1;s:7:"img-alt";i:2;s:9:"img-title";i:3;s:4:"href";}s:8:"selector";s:67:"div.entry-content,, div.entry,, div#page, body";s:11:"counterText";s:10:"{x} of {y}";s:9:"closeKeys";s:8:"27,88,67";s:12:"previousKeys";s:5:"37,80";s:8:"nextKeys";s:5:"39,78";s:4:"loop";N;s:3:"url";N;s:9:"picasaweb";N;s:6:"flickr";N;s:6:"mobile";N;s:11:"maintenance";N;s:5:"cache";s:10:"1328373580";}

    No idea what WP-Minify did. It was done automatically, a long time ago, and we excluded Slimbox immediately after seeing that minifying broke things.

    There’s a reason why Slimbox2 was removed via FTP rather than the WP control panel, but it might not apply in this case.  Will try your fix, although we’re into a peak traffic part of the day so will have to wait a few hours — sometime after midnight EST.

    Thanks for hanging in with this. Meanwhile, is working fine, so the problem isn’t super urgent. Down the road though, it would be great to clear this up, since whatever’s happening, it could very well be carried into future updates.


    Just noticed that this posting client truncated the wp-slimbox value.  Will try it as an insert code and a text attachment. (Hoping one or the other works.)

    [code:48mhg4ct]a:23:{s:8:"autoload";s:2:"on";s:14:"overlayOpacity";s:3:"0.8";s:12:"overlayColor";s:7:"#000000";s:19:"overlayFadeDuration";s:3:"400";s:14:"resizeDuration";s:3:"400";s:12:"resizeEasing";s:5:"swing";s:12:"initialWidth";s:3:"250";s:13:"initialHeight";s:3:"250";s:17:"imageFadeDuration";s:3:"400";s:24:"captionAnimationDuration";s:3:"400";s:7:"caption";a:4:{i:0;s:7:"a-title";i:1;s:7:"img-alt";i:2;s:9:"img-title";i:3;s:4:"href";}s:8:"selector";s:67:"div.entry-content,, div.entry,, div#page, body";s:11:"counterText";s:10:"{x} of {y}";s:9:"closeKeys";s:8:"27,88,67";s:12:"previousKeys";s:5:"37,80";s:8:"nextKeys";s:5:"39,78";s:4:"loop";N;s:3:"url";N;s:9:"picasaweb";N;s:6:"flickr";N;s:6:"mobile";N;s:11:"maintenance";N;s:5:"cache";s:10:"1328373580";}[/code:48mhg4ct]


    It came through, but looks normal to me. I take it you didn’t see slimbox referenced anywhere else in the DB?
    I really hope I can figure this out, since it’s effecting more people than just you.

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