problems centering menu & getting rid of gap between top level & sub menus

Forums Forums Menus problems centering menu & getting rid of gap between top level & sub menus

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  • #761

    hi ryan,

    i’ve got everything working fine apart from 2 things, firstly – here’s my css

    (the only thing i’ve altered from the code the generator gave me is the width, and i’ve tried to get it centered by adding ‘auto’ after margin: 0;) … /style.css

    I’m using a custom thematic child theme…

    My blog is here:

    My two questions are:

    1 – How can I get the menu centered on the page? (at the moment it’s floating to the left but messing with the float or trying to automate the margins doesn’t seem to help)

    2 – How do I get rid of the gap between the top level menu & the sub menu?

    Let me know if you need anymore info,
    your help is much appreciated – I’m picking up bits as i go along so i’m still pretty clueless!
    nice plugin.


    i’ve just taken out all the menu formatting from default.css … efault.css
    and that appears to have fixed the gap between top level & sub menu’s… but as you’ll notice the secondary submenu’s are still far wide of the mark. any ideas?

    also it seems that the drop-downs are behind my content, if you could give me a hint as to why that is i’ll be very grateful.

    that should be all now!


    ok, figured some bits out myself…

    if you’re having the sub menu appearing behind your main content you need to

    top:(enter how many pixels from the top your nav bar is i.e: 200px;)

    but i still can’t center it despite giving it a width & setting margins to :0 auto;
    and my secondary sub menus are still wide of the mark…

    getting there!


    right man, i’ve just got rid of the secondary submenu by having my categorey names across the top instead of a drop down menu with them in… it’s not perfect but it’ll do…

    so now all you have to do is help me center the thing!
    <img decoding=” title=”Grin” />

    sorry for the mess around. my imps have no patients.

    (I really can’t figure out the problem with centering, so your help in this matter would be greatly appreciated!)


    anyone? any ideas on why my menu isn’t centering?
    (details of www & css in first post)


        z-index: 1000;

    ok, if you’ve used ‘position:absolute’ you need to set ‘left’ to 50% and set your ‘margin-left’ to 50% of the total width to center…

    do this only for suckerfishnav & not suckerfishnav ul or it’ll mess with your drop-downs…

    hope this saves someone else some stress!

    thanks for your plugin ryan, it’s a relief to finally get it working!
    <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />


    Good to see you got it working eventually <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />

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