Problem Displaying Custom CSS

Forums Forums Menus Problem Displaying Custom CSS

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        [b:12zkll7n]* Where is your CSS?[/b:12zkll7n] style.css
        [b:12zkll7n]* What modifications have you made to the CSS?[/b:12zkll7n] made it red
        [b:12zkll7n]* What browsers are you having problems with?[/b:12zkll7n] Firefox
        [b:12zkll7n]* What is the URL for your site?[/b:12zkll7n][/url:12zkll7n%5D

    I’m having trouble having the menu display as anything other than the default CSS of blue.  I used the generator to make it red just to test it.  Pasted the CSS into the style.css but it remains blue.  I placed this in the header.php file:
    <?php if (function_exists(‘suckerfish’)) {suckerfish();} ?>



    The plugin has a built in stylesheet, you don’t need to put the CSS into a style.css file. I assume what is happening is that the built in stylesheet is overiding your themes stylesheet where (I assume) you put the new red CSS.


    I was also editing code in my WP theme styles.css and wondered why nothing happend.

    How do I disable the built in style.php to load CSS from style.css?
    Or, how do I change the CSS that style.php generates?


    &quot;Ryan&quot; wrote:
    The plugin has a built in stylesheet, you don’t need to put the CSS into a style.css file. I assume what is happening is that the built in stylesheet is overiding your themes stylesheet where (I assume) you put the new red CSS.

    Do I paste the custom CSS in style.php?  If so, where?  There isn’t anything to override in there so I didn’t want to edit it.


    Hey ttiefenbach and Ryan. I think I found the solution to my problem. I was looking for plug-in settings under the Plug-in menu in my WordPress dashboard. But it was under Settings and then Multi Level Navigation. This is the first time I use a plugin in WordPress and thus my mistake. All the best!


    @ttiefenbach – The style.php file is generated by the plugin itself, you don’t want to edit that file directly. If you enter CSS into your the plugins settings page (where emunication found it) then that CSS will show up automatically in the style.php file.

    Basically … either enter your CSS into the plugins settings page, or edit your themes stylesheet, but don’t go doing both as one will override the other.

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