Positioning menu bar

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    HEllo Ryan!

    Love your dropdown menu. Have been looking for something like this for some time.

    I saw that there were some questions about positioning the menu bar. In reading through the different questions and answers on your page, I came up with the following:

    If you put this line just above the line in the header.php, you can place the menue anywhere you want on the header by manipulating the different px numbers, make it as wide, narrow, etc. as you like. Perhaps you can include this in your Suckerfish Dropdown Generator page.

    My problem is that the menu goes behind the main page. I saw where others had it going behind the sidebars, but did not know if, being new to this, if all of the sections are called sidebars. I used the fix above to raise the menu so it could be used, but it looks kind of odd. Can you help?

    Also, hope you are feeling much better and have completely recovered from the RSI.



    WordPress swallowed your code. You need to remove any <’s and >’s and replace them with /< and /> to display codes here. Feel free to email the code to ryanhellyer@hotmail.com and I’ll edit your comment with the correct code.

    Sidebars can be any part of your theme you want them to be, it depends on what code you put into your sidebar file/s. Although they’re generally considered to be the blocks of links/info on the left and right hand side of blogs. My sidebar is on the right and contains my blogs navigation.

    The problem with your menu going behind the content is caused by the use of positioning and z-indexes in your theme. I’ll take a look at your site and see what I can do to fix it.

    The RSI is much better now, thanks for asking <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” /> Serves me right for using my laptop while cooped up in an awkward position.


    I can’t see any problems with your site going under your main content. Is it the main chunk of text on your page which is the problem or your sidebar?

    I saw the code I assume you were talking about above in your site too. Adjusting margins is a handy way to move the dropdown around, but I’m not sure I want to delve too deeply into teaching HTML/CSS here as there is a whole swathe of different methods to positioning such things and it entirely depends on the situation at hand.

    Relative, absolute and fixed positioning all have their place, as do floating and inline methods of displaying the dropdown menu and I’d really need to provide tutorials on all of those things. The complicated part is preparing the CSS in the first place, position the menu is usually the easy bit.

    I may provide some examples of how to position the menu on the page, but I doubt that will be for quite some time.



    You are fast! Thanks much. I read that you saw the code, but here it is anyway.

    <div id="header">

    <h1><a href="<?php echo get_settings(‘home’); ?>/"><?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?></a></h1>

    <p class="description"><?php bloginfo(‘description’); ?>

    <div style="margin: 2px 125px 0px 0px;">
    <?php suckerfish(); ?>


    I read what you wrote about htlm etc. I don’t know that you would have to create a tutorial about it. Just plug in different values for the different px places and see what happens. That’s how I did it. Simple trial and error. Anyway, in case someone else asks, you can pass it along. BTW: what I know about code you can put on a single page of a noteit pad.

    I went to my web site and still found the problem. I have two web browsers, one put out by Qwest and the other is IE. The first is Version 9.5 and the IE is 7.0.

    On the home page, everything works just fine. Go to any other page and then click on the blogroll link. You will notice that the very last cell in the column goes behind the title of the page. You cannot click on it. This is why I raised the menu bar so high, so that it does not go behind the title of the page.

    I readjusted the menu bar to be lower on the header so that it is easier to catch the problem. If you click on page and go to Life Journal, then run your mouse over blogroll, you will see that the menu drops down behind the page title and behind the picture. At least that is what it does for me.

    Glad to hear you are feeling better. Stand up and stretch some before you answer this email Smiley emoticon



    I think that the part of your HTML which is causing you problems is this:

    [code:10c650or]<div id="post-59" class="hentry p1 page publish author-admin category-uncategorized y2007 m11 d07 h08 alt">[/code:10c650or]

    For testing purposes, I recommend installing the latest version of Internet Explorer (IE7), Firefox, Safari and Opera. Plus a stand alone version of IE6 – regular installs copy over the top of IE7. There’s some information on installing standalone versions of IE here … http://tredosoft.com/Multiple_IE%5B/url:10c650or%5D



    After spending about 8 hours trying to find the offending code without success, I gave up. I know you got the code by viewing the source of the page. I just can’t figure out the WP code that generates the HTML. I put the menu at the top of the header and it serves its purpose. Don’t like it there, but can’t have everything.

    Have a great day,

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