Plugin version only working in Safari

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    I am now 99% sure it’s the magic quotes deal. Technically I think you can disable it with a custom php.ini, unfortunately from what I’ve read this isn’t recursive, so the only way to be sure it’s working would be to place it into every single directory, a tedious process.

    I believe most economy hosts will be willing to adjust the php.ini for you, but I could be wrong. It doesn’t hurt to check.

    You could try a custom php.ini in the root directory and the plugin directory, but I couldn’t get them to turn on when I did that on my test site, so it likely wouldn’t turn them off either, but again, it can’t hurt.

    I did finally notice a difference about your plugin, I set up my test site to generate the exact same JS code, but I noticed the file sizes were different. Turns out your code is being generated with additional line breaks, in the middle of lines! This further enhances my suspicions that magic quotes is the culprit.


    Unluckily, yes, the site local php.ini files, it seems (anything to mind beyond correct syntax. file name and permissions, i.e. 644?). Check … l-info.php – the plugin dir is not even scanned for the php.ini I put there.. Grrr.

    I’ll try contacting her host, and see if her Cpanel offers some kind of PHP setting option. Muss convince her to give me access to it first, though, so this might take a little while.


    Ah, a bit of smart guessing helped: turns out the server will accept a local php5.ini (but not php.ini). I managed to turn off magic quotes at root and plugin dir level (try above link and also I still get the autoload 404, and still no luck with Slimbox effects in FF. <img decoding=” title=”Sad” />


    The php5.ini deal is handy to know, too bad it alone didn’t fix the issue. Unfortunately, I’m not sure which directories would actually need that disabled, there’s a good chance it’d be required by several more – hence why site wide disabling would do the trick (I hope!).

    I doubt it’ll be a Cpanel option, but I could be wrong.

    I’ll try and think of other ideas, maybe see if something there’s something I can do to override the problem, and allow it to function regardless of magic quotes setting and a major rewrite.


    It looks like I’m wrong about this, turns out my host does have magic quotes on for some reason…
    On the other hand, magic_quotes_runtime and magic_quotes_sybase are off. I can’t pull up those local-info.php anymore, so I can’t tell if those are off on your site or not.

    This is really stumping me.


    Scratch that, I see you’ve got them off too….hmm…


    Ok, I doubt it’ll work, but for the sake of trying…replace the autoload script with the one I’ve attached.


    Nope, no change. Phew.


    …but I wanted to add: thanks for tyring to get to the bottom of this. <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />


    Not a problem, though I’m still at a loss as to what’s happening.

    Anyone else have any ideas?


    Oh, any chance you could try our the Multi-Level Navigation menu on the site? The reason I ask is to see if the problem is similar to the one Ryan mentioned in which some people couldn’t get the style.php to load.


    Well it certainly looks like the same bug as with the Multi-level Navigation plugin. But it sounds like you know as much about it as I do so I don’t think I can be of much help sorry.


    Well, if this was Trac, I‘d label the thing resolved:worksforme – after a lengthy conversation and some quite persuasive arguing, I convinced my friend to shell out, no, not for a VPS, but at least for better class of host (slimbox2 not working was but a minor annoyance, abysmally bad performance was the main reason). Slimbox2 works cross-browser there, so I’d guess it is really a problem to do with the PHP host configuration.


    Good to hear you had luck with a new host.

    I’m getting close upgrading to a VPS myself actually. I’m getting kinda ticked off with my host messing up my site all the time <img decoding=” title=”Sad” />


    I could almost swear I responded to this post again, stating that I was glad a solution was found…even if it still left the mystery unresolved.

    I’m hoping the specific cause can still be discovered so a warning can be made, and perhaps a solution implemented.

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