Plugin not working!

Forums Forums Slimbox2 plugin Plugin not working!

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  • #1836

    I’m running WordPress 3.2.1 (haven’t upgraded to 3.3.1 yet in fear of breaking existing functionality) and use the latest version of the WP-Slimbox 2 plugin. Here is my website –[/url:3vjxgq3u%5D.

    I have used [code:3vjxgq3u]rel="lightbox[something]"[/code:3vjxgq3u] for some anchor tags, and it still doesn’t use the lightbox. When I click on an image, it just opens in the browser.

    Can someone help me debug this issue?


    A quick look at your website source raised some red flags, since I was noticing none of the Javascript files were loading. I finally figured out that it was tied to W3 Total Cache. Someone else mentioned that Slimbox didn’t work with it, and I think I know why, but the quick fix should be to tell it not to include the plugin. I don’t know how much granular you control you have over it, but I believe if you ensure that slimbox2_autoload.js is excluded, you should be good to go.
    FYI, slimbox scripts and CSS are already minified.


    Thanks! It worked. I turned off JS minifying and now it works.


    Glad to hear it!

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