Plugin not showing up on admin page

Forums Forums Menus Plugin not showing up on admin page

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    I love the look of your plugin (in the example). I have a drop down menu on my site now that I obtained by typing in some javascript, but I don’t like the looks of it. I uploaded your plugin to my plugin directory at my hosting site, but it does not show on my admin page. Do you have any idea why that is? Thanks a bunch.
    (I’m a newbie.)I have recently updated to WP 2.5.


    If it isn’t showing up in your plugins page then it hasn’t been uploaded at all.

    The only possible reason I can think of, is if you were to upload the zip file itself instead of extracting it first. The zip file would be ignored by WordPress. The solution to that is to unzip it before uploading to your host.

    Good luck!


    It took a bit (because of my lack of knowledge) put I now have your plug-in up and running. Thanks. My blogroll is showing up for the first time since I switched themes.

    I would like for one of my pages to have its own space across the top of my website, and I would like it to have its own drop down menu of about 21 items. Is that possible?

    Again, thanks!


    I’m not entirely sure what you are wanting to do. Do you want an extra menu item with a customisable list of items under a specific page? If so, try the Beta plugin instead. You can add custom code to the menu and can exclude pages, categories etc. where necessary.


    Thanks, Ryan. I used the Beta and have gotten the type of drop down I wanted. Now I just need to sharpen it a bit.


    I’m glad to hear you’ve got it working the way you want. The styling problem with your dropdown is probably related to this bit of code which is wrapped around the dropdown:
    [code:1e3eydbr]<div id="navigation">[/code:1e3eydbr]


    Hi Ryan,

    When my drop down menu appears it is to the side. I would like to have it underneath the topic. I’m sure I’m missing something obvious in setting it up because all of the examples that I looked at show it underneath. Can you help me?



    Try removing the [code:1kqmj4dg]<div id="navigation">[/code:1kqmj4dg] tag from your theme. It is probably setting a bunch of CSS which is messing up the plugin.


    I removed that bit of code you mentioned and it works perfectly now. Thank you so much.


    Glad to be of help <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />

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