Please don’t load wp-load.php!

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  • #1264

    I’ve just read about loading wp-load.php and how bad it is, and remembered PixoPoint Menu Plugin does that.

    Please please take a look on what it does: … ad-please/

    I’ve already tried to add suckerfish and its friends directly into my theme and wasn’t able to, it’s damn hard and I believe you had problems too and because of that had to add confings directly into the source. I love your plugin because of adding all of them together <img decoding=” title=”Cheesy” />

    But please avoid WordPress double loading.


    It was after talking to me about the issue that Otto wrote that blog post actually.

    Otto’s suggestion won’t work for the PixoPoint menu plugin, he’s just referring to small snippets of javascript, not entire CSS files. The PixoPoint Menu plugin beta does not use wp-load.php to load it’s scripts and instead injects them into the head. That’s what Otto suggested, although I’m considering scrapping that idea and injecting the settings via the URL, which is what Ozh and myself have been suggesting for situations like with the scripts in the PixoPoint Menu plugin which don’t require many variables to be sent.

    For the CSS files, I’m intending to build in a static file caching system, however for setups which don’t have a writable folder, a fall-back to grabbing the data for WordPress will still be necessary. The solution suggested by Otto for grabbing info. from WordPress is not a good one IMO as it adds more load to the server than wp-load.php and is why I don’t currently use it, however Filosofo mentioned in the comments of that post how to get around that issue.

    These changes will be made in time.

    On most servers the load time difference is so tiny as to be unmeasurable. Unfortunately, some poorly configured servers have serious difficulties in loading the files and is why I’ve already started the move to a non-WP way of loading things where possible.

    Also, Otto’s argument about not being able to find wp-load.php is not strictly true. AFAIK the wp-load.php file needs to be somewhere in the tree below your plugins folder, so you can just keep looking for it until you hit it which is what the latest beta version of the PixoPoint menu plugin does.

    PS: You posted this in the wrong board so I’ll be moving this shortly.


    Hey Ryan, is this why my JS files load so slowly?  They seem to be the only thing slowing me down.  using the load time is upwards of 8 to 10 seconds.  I have wp-cache but have noticed little change.

    Any pointers I am overlooking?


    Yep, that’s probably the server problem I mentioned. This is not an issue with the latest beta version …

    If you are using the built in stylesheet, then you will probably see the same problems with that too.


    The stylesheet problem has been solved with version 0.8.4 of the beta:

    I’ve also loaded the JS files back into external files so that they can be cached locally.


    Sweet, it has been driving me nuts trying to figure it out.  I got a ten second load time currently that drops to about 3 with the menu removed.  Have a look see…


    [b:3qdzm259]Stab in the dark guess here:[/b:3qdzm259] You are either using GoDaddy hosting or you are managing your own server?

    99% of the examples I’ve seen of that happening have matched one of those options.

    I’m not sure what it is, but something in the server setup appears to cause ridiculously long load times on wp-load.php.

    It’s solved now thankfully <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” /> Albeit not in the stable version (yet).

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