PixoPoint template generator

Forums Forums Templates and themes PixoPoint template generator

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    For all support requests relating to the [iurl=https://geek.hellyer.kiwi/generator]PixoPoint template generator[/iurl] we need access to the saved XML file for your design.

    All exported themes contain the appropriate file, so if you have uploaded a copy of your WordPress theme to your site, then just let us know the URL and we can work from there.

    However, if you have not uploaded your theme to your site yet, then you will need to attach a copy of the XML file for your design to your forum post. Use the ‘Reply with attachments’ button below the quick reply box when replying to existing forum topics.

    The XML files contain all of the information relating to your design and we can use it to track any errors or bugs which you may have discovered. You can save the XML file via the ‘Save/Upload’ menu in the template generator.

    When attached, the XML file will appear in the post like the ‘aquavaccinium.xml’ file below.


    Hello Rian okay?

    I am Paulo and I live in Brazil, I’m starting to use wordpress and I liked the features of your site. I downloaded the plugin for Multi-level Navigation Plugin for WordPress and installed it on my blog. But I have a problem to configure. When I move the mouse over the submenus they simply disappear. I was in settings to control the time Mouseover delay (milliseconds) and
    Hide delay time (milliseconds. but the problem continued.
    then downloaded PixoPoint Menu Plugin and tried to use, but had the same problem.
    the address of the site I’m riding is not notice you have not yet put it in a domain.

    I decided to create a forum account, my login is defaind and my email is defaind@gmail.com.
    I made a premium subscription to access support.
    Already added you on msn. my msn is msn@kayrostecnologia.com.br

    I’m sorry the clerical errors in English is that I can not speak English, I’m using the google translator to communicate with you. Please adidicione me on msn to help me make this very precise navigation bar work.

    Live long and prosper!


    I received your email and will respond to it shortly.



    I have used the template generator in the past and LOVED it – But since it’s removed, I don’t know much about making edits to the theme itself.

    I am using the revolution_generated theme, and currently I’m showing the sub-menu (for blog posts) but I’d like to hide that menu.  Is there a way to do that easily?  Which file do I need to modify? 

    Thank you for any help you can provide – I appreciate it!
    Jonelle Simons


    The theme doesn’t show blog posts in a sub-menu. Perhaps you are confused with the PixoPoint Menu plugin or the Multi-level Navigation plugin which do that?


    how can i use this programme


    I’ve removed until I have time to rebuild it. There’s quite a few bugs in it which I needed to fix and simply didn’t have time to deal with.

    I do intend to create and new improved version at some point, but am struggling to find time for it. If I can find someone who is willing to pay for it’s development, perhaps in return for a custom version of it I could accelerate development extremely rapidly, but until then it is likely to be a long wait unfortunately <img decoding=” title=”Sad” />

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