PixoPoint Menu & WPML

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    That’s really weird.

    I’m drawing a blank on what could be causing this sorry.


    I don’t know how, but I just managed to replicate this problem on my local install.

    It doesn’t seem to have anything to do with language translation since I don’t have any language translation plugins running.


    I’ve figured it out. It triggers this error when you try to remove ID’s which don’t exist.



    Nice plugin for WP, amazing!

    Is PixoPoint Menu fully compatible with WPML? Which version is better to use? 0.6 stable or 0.8 beta for a multilingual site?

    Thank you!


    As far as I can see, it is indeed compatible with WPML. There is a bug with the exclude URLs feature, but that appears to be unrelated to the WPML plugin.

    Jarno was suggesting otherwise above, but I suspect that was just some confusion. I don’t think another plugin could interfere with the HTML in that way.


    Okay, so that’s the problem.. That means it isn’t compatible with WPML. Because the translated pages get other ID’s.
    I have 5 menu items which I want to exclude, I have 3 languages, so I have to enter 15 ID’s. But when I’m for example on the Spanish version, the English and the Dutch don’t excist and that will cause the error.


    I found out that you need to check:
    "Make themes work multilingual
      Adjust IDs for multilingual functionality"
    at the WPML plugin to make it work, so finally I got it working! Thanks for the help <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />


    I don’t understand how them getting different ID’s would cause a problem. It does sound like there is a definite clash there though. Thanks for pointing it out. Removing all the exclude URLs options should fix it though.

    I’ll review the exclude URLs system at some point (not sure when that will be) and see if I can figure out a better way to do it. At the moment it strips out the URLs via a string replacement. I should at least be able to get that to not spit out errors when used incorrectly. I’m not sure how to get around the other problem though as I don’t know how I could work out what the equivalent ID in the other language would be.



    I’m using Pixopoint menu in a WP with WPML and seems to work fine :-)

    Nice plugin! Thanks!


    Good to hear <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” /> Based on what Jarno said above, it seems to only be a problem when using the exclude URLs option.


    In pages, I have excluded some of them in option: "IDs to include or exclude", also categories.


    Yep, excluding pages should be fine, it’s just the excluding URLs which will be a problem. There is no easy to use built in way to remove URLs for pages in WordPress, so I had to write in a custom system which is still a bit buggy I guess and will never work as expected if another plugin starts dynamically changing the IDs.


    Ok, thanks for clarification!


    No problem <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />

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